Sunday 25 May 2014


Sean Page
A number of contributors to this Blog have reacted negatively to Sean Page saying that he had stood as a candidate for UKIP in last Thursdays local goverment elections in England.
Some people have claimed that I give Sean an "inordinate" amount of space on the Blog to express his views.

My answer to that is:

1. Sean is a regular (daily) contributor to the Blog's comments. I appreciate that Sean is interested in the Blog and interested enought to comment very regularly.

2. I publish every comment I receive on this Blog - regardless of whether or not I agree with it. We have enough censorship in the world without me starting.  The only comments I do not publish are the ones that are excessively crude or excessively personal. I want this Blog to be absolutely open to all.

3. One contributor seems to suggest that I should make my views on UKIP known. Politically and socially I am at heart a socialist and a left winger. If I live in Elgland I would find it very hard - maybe impossible - to vote for the Conservatives or New Labour. I would be an Old Labour man. A man like Tony Benn would be a hero for me. 
Tony Ben

It seems to me that UKIP is an ultra right wing party. When they have gotten rid of all the immigrants - including the blacks, muslims and eventually the Irish - I'm sure they would set their sights on communities like the gay and lesbian community - and maybe even the Jews?

I have a feeling that Sean voted and stood for UKIP as a PROTEST. I think he said so himself. 

It is one of the sad facts of political life that those of us who are at heart anti-establishment - are often forced to vote for strange people because we have no one else to vote for.

I think that the UK - and indeed Ireland - needs a thoroughgoing anti establishment party like Old Labour was in its early days.

New Labour in the UK - and the Labour Party in Ireland - are no longer proper socialists. They have become part of the establishment.

This was the predicament I think Sean was faced with.

If I was a voter in England I would want to protest and send shock waves to the Establishment. How I would do it I don't know.

+Pat Buckley


  1. Firstly Pat can I please clarify that I contribute to this blog because I am interested in it and I choose to contribute. You never asked me to contribute and my submissions are treated no differently to anybody else's. Secondly there was an element of protest in my standing for UKIP. At local level they seemed to be taking the ordinary person seriously. When I worked for Rochdale Council a local politician asked me to get involved in the party. I declined because there would have been a conflict of interest. When I left my council job I re contacted the politician by email but he never responded. Democratic (paper) candidates rarely canvass and only exist to give people a choice on the voting paper. I shouted out to make a point and came in second!!! The reality is that my time is mostly taken up with paid work and church activities. My future in politics is far from being a done deal. I should be thinking of retiring but I am still applying for posts within the company I now work for. Abraham was 70 odd when God called him. I am not sure what direction God wants me to travel to next. All I can say is that in my own foolish and faltering way I will do my best to say "here I am" Sean

  2. Very fair comment both Pat and Sean. And Pat, I share your admiration for Tony Benn. I've heard him speak in mid 70s in a labour club near Wakefield, enjoyed his performances with his good friend, folk singer (ex Uni professor of social administration) Roy Bailey, at Warwick, Cambridge, Beverley and Sedbergh folk festivals. Tony spoke on themes like womens emancipation and capitalism, while Roy sang songs linked to the theme. Very powerful stuff, particularly their live CD, from 2000 Cambridge folkfest, "The Writing on the Wall" . Well worth a listen.

  3. Well put Pat, though it is a bit unsual for your to head your post with a photo of Sean. Your followers log on to see you, not any other blogger - however cracked or unacceptable their views.
    Like you I am Old Labour and a great admirer of the late Tony Benn. TB was a true socialist and though from a wealthy and privileged background, and surely destined to be Prime Minister, he forsook that and threw his lot in with the "have nots". To his last breath TB was speaking for the voiceless and encouraging them.
    I agree that some who have voted for UKIP have done so as a protest as to the throughly corrupt mainstream parties here; they have delivered a "free hit". The awful deception they have fallen for though is that Nigel Farage is one of the establishment. He comes from a wealthy family, attended public school, was a banker in the City during the worst excesses of Thatcher; milks his expenses for all he can get and employs his German wife on the public payroll, ie paid out of our taxes. If you made it up people would believe you. He is laughing all the way to the bank and laughing at the morons who have voted for him.
    Pat you often say "what would Christ have done". He ceratinly would not have voted for this racist bigoted zenophoblic immigrant and gay hating man. Sean take note and reflect. 'Here I am" doesnt entitled you to spread hatred and fear. You are an Irishman living in England. You should know what it feels like to be an outsider. Throw your lot in with them, just like Tony Benn did, just like Bishop Pat Buckley does. Reflect!
