Wednesday 20 June 2018


From Diocese of Kerry website:


Ordination to the Priesthood

The Rev. Sean Jones will be ordained to the Priesthood on Sunday, July the first in The Church of the Assumption, Moyvane at 3 pm. He will celebrate his first Mass the following day in Moyvane at 7.30pm.  Sean is from Moyvane and attended Tarbert Comprehensive school where he was very involved in the life of the school. Sean was also an active member of the No Name Club, an alcohol, and drug-free social interaction space.  

Following his degree in Theology as a lay student in Maynooth, he joined the Pallottines. Sean moved from the Pallottines to the diocese of Kerry in 2013 and his diaconate formation and ministry was facilitated in the parishes and pastoral areas of Listowel and Killarney.  He asks us to keep him in our prayers at this time".



Dear Bishop. Buckley,
Since our conversation I have spoken to a few more people. We have raised some money. Provided we can obtain the affidavit from the seminary we intend to retain the services of a Rotal Advocate in Rome. We will ask him to formally denounce the ordination before the Holy See and to intervene preventing the ordination. But we can only do so unless we have evidence in the form of an affidavit. I suppose if I was in that man’s position I would not make the affidavit because in today’s environment it is too dangerous. But if he is not willing to do so then he is complicit in the coverup. It is difficult.
If Jones is ordained and there is the slightest sign of his behaviour we will be making it clear to Browne that we will petition to have him removed as the Bishop of Kerry in a juridical process and Jones dismissed as a priest. It is not a straightforward process. But due to the scandals in the church over the years it has become easier. Bishop Browne is not a bad man. The problem is he is just weak and dull.
I know I may sound vindictive. But as you said Jones seems to like them young and this is very troubling. I suppose I would be less concerned if he was interested in men his own age. I am trying to be open minded about Browne. 


I have been contacted in the past number of days by people from the Diocese of Kerry who are very concerned about this ordination going ahead at this time.

They have met, consulted lawyers and several have written to the Kerry bishop - Ray Browne - objecting to the ordination going ahead.

These same people are very critical of how Ray Browne operates as a man and a bishop - very weak and very indecisive. 

These good folk are also in contact with the Kerry media.

I have told them that Ray Browne - as an Irish bishop - will not listen to them or their concerns.

This proposed ordination is going to cause great division in Kerry.

But bishops do what THEY want and in practice, the laity are still regarded as "the lowest form of church life".



  1. A rudimentary knowledge of the history of the saints will make it clear that many of them embraced Christianity after living lives of questionable virtue. I'm not saying that such is the case here. The man in question, if indeed it is he, appeared semi-naked. St Francis of Assisi stripped fully naked as a sign of his embracing poverty.

    1. Oh! Puck is now another St. Francis and a practioner of virtuous nakedness.

    2. 00.14... are you puck himself?

    3. St Francis, 00:14, you clown, was not cruising for gay sex! You are an idiot.

    4. What an insult to Saint Francis and also the Holy Father but let me reassure the Laity that Saint Francis and the Holy Father Francis they did not want sex with males they were/are Holy Men.

    5. 09:39
      I am that merry wanderer of the night.

    6. 18:56, you're a sleepwalker, then, like me?

  2. I hope Jones learns to polish his shoes properly before his Ordination day. No matter how much a man thinks he is dressed up in a suit, the look can really be undermined by the dusty unkempt shoes! Incidentally it's the first thing a woman will notice about you - - as well as noticing whether your hands are freshly washed and your nails short and clean. Even if she's too polite to mention it .! And experience shows that people who cannot even be bothered to look after their own details won't be too bothered about looking after your details either even if it's their job . Just mark my words.. That's how it is, folks! A lazy person is a lazy person..

    1. Illiterate gay Irish Scot again making derogatory comments about homosexuality. Ironic, or just plain anomalous?

  3. Maybe he's a reformed character? He's been under close scrutiny for the past number of years and hasn't put a foot wrong.

    1. It's not his feet that worries us.

    2. His dirty shoes... Is that what worries you more than his feet?

  4. I have known Ray Brown for many years in Elphin. I would agree he is a quiet person. I have never seen any indication of active sexual involvement with anyone. As for SB the pan is on the hob. Let's hope God will bless the journey and if something needs to be done it will be more than a war of words.

    1. Page@07.52. “I have never seen any indication of sexual involvement with anyone”. Why would you? Do you realise when you opened your bake with that ridiculous statement, what an assh**e you are and sound.

    2. MourneManMichael21 June 2018 at 10:33

      One Hammer (forgive my abbreviation!):
      You made an interesting and accurate comment at 12:13 on 20th June. Would you agree that Anon's comment at 08:56 falls into the category of vexatious comments you referred to?
      While the commentator is entirely entitled to his/her opinion, its hostile derogatory ad hominem expression in a public forum seems very questionable. Perhaps this applies to Anon's @ 09:31 & 09:35 below too in that they are hardly worth a reply either?

    3. Hi MMM.
      I agree with you.

      These are all comments playing the man not the ball... probably because the responders have limited capacity to formulate quality responses.

      Peace to you and Sean Page.

    4. Many are aware of MMM from Newcastle, an oul shrew and dried up oul prune sprung to mind. For an atheist he sure takes great interest in this blog. He probably farts in the bath like everyone else but thinks he's something special.

    5. Hi MMM, did somebody write something at 12.49? I can only see the pile of horse-shite they left. 😂🤣

    6. BEWARE everyone MAGNA is going under the name one.hammered.langer - hammered is one give away plus the silly emojis after most posts and the vicious replies to people. Interesting Magna hasn't posted for a while but this Langer has.

    7. MourneManMichael21 June 2018 at 17:22

      Well yes indeed someone did write at 12:49. The words "fart in bath; oul shrew; oul prune" were accompanied by "sprung to mind."
      In truth it made me wonder what kind of "mind" strung that fatuous gratuitous vexatious combination together.
      Any suggestions?

    8. Lol 16.43.
      You couldn't be more wrong. 😘

    9. Like the vicious reply at 12.49?

    10. The Langer is from Cork & Ross according to his own admission.

    11. 16:43, as much as I enjoy o.h.l's posts, I am not he, and he is not I. (I thought a tautological converse was necessary here, given your obvious alarm.)

      Be still, and know that I (and I alone) am Magna.😆

    12. 12:49, we all are special in God's eyes, my son.

      Why, even Magna!😆

    13. Well well well, fancy that! Magna hasn’t commented for a while and this evening when there was a suggestion he has taken on the persona of hammered Langer suddenly he appears out of the blue and starts commenting again. Wonders will never cease Magna Carta and one hammered Langer

    14. You missed me, then, 20:35 (given your noticing my ever-so-temporary abscence)?

      No shame in that...I'd miss me, too.😆

    15. Dear 7.52. Fek off. Remember it's about what the person says not who you think the person is

    16. @19.02
      Which is exactly why I have over the years had the unfortunate cause to interact with Tommy Deenihan. I have been well placed to know his poor attitude towards the People of God; those he sees as beneath him, the priest.

    17. o.h.l @ 22:06, thanks, bro.😆

    18. Sean Page @ 22:02 - you get first prize for the most priceless comment today.

      Your comment was directed at "7.52". Poster at 7.52 was... Sean Page!!

    19. I wouldn't "miss you" no fear!
      I am a dead cert with a crossbow..

    20. 22:32, a crossbow? God! You're so 'retro'!😆

  5. The allegations concerning Deacon Jones are deeply concerning. I note that the Diocese of Kerry has been aware of this photograph purportedly of Jones since February 2017. The obdurate silence from Browne and Jones is deafening. If the photograph is not legitimate both the Diocese of Kerry and Deacon Jones would have immediately issued a public denial and, Jones would retain the services of a solicitor. Presumably, Pat, you have not received a writ or a solicitor’s letter threatening you with legal proceedings? Of course, you are located outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland. And, it would be behove Jones to bear in mind what befell Oscar Wilde when he contemplated similar asininity to clear his “good name”.

    The diocese is obsessed with getting Jones over the line, ie, ordained a priest. He is virtually unknown in the Diocese of Kerry. He has never been seen ministering in the Killarney area. There have been no reports of him bringing communion to the sick, preaching in the cathedral, and undertaking all the functions that are normally associated with a transitional deacon on his way to the priesthood. He is conspicuous by his absence.

    Ordination is a public act that requires the consent of the people. How can the people of Kerry assent to the ordination of Deacon Jones as a priest if they have never seen him function as a deacon? His conspicuous failure to publicly deny the allegations begets the irresistible conclusion that the photograph is of Deacon Jones. In the future this will make him potentially him a target for blackmail and false allegations in the future? He is now completely compromised, and his priesthood (if ordained) impugned and a source of public and ongoing scandal. In other words, Deacon Jones, is completely compromised.

    Bishop Browne must address the allegations and publicly set out the reasons why he believes Jones is suitable for ordination to the priesthood. Otherwise, the ordination needs to be postponed until clarity is brought to this situation. If the photograph is of Jones, he should be immediately dismissed from the clerical state.

    Nobody is going to give credence to any affidavit sworn by Jones (magically pulled out of the hat at the eleventh hour) denying the allegations pertaining to the photograph to justify his ordination. However, I wonder would Deacon Jones have any objection to providing a recent photograph of himself in clerical dress? Then a pathologist/physical anthropologist can conduct a forensic analysis of both photographs to definitively establish if the photograph on this blog is definitively Deacon Jones or not?

    Somatic measuring techniques used by pathologists/forensic anthropologists compare photographs of people in different time periods are forensically reliable. Importantly, they are admissible as evidence in a court. These techniques have been refined over the years particularly in places in the former Yugoslavia to establish the identity of human remains. Somatic measurements quantify musculature, bone structures, hair density, the proportionality of limbs, body trunk to limb proportions, and various other intersections to establish the likelihood of an individual’s identity or non-identity with an accuracy that is comparable to fingerprint analysis. This is to independently of variations in weight or age over time. Thus, losing weight and changing your appearance will not be exculpatory.

    The bottom line is there are too many outstanding questions that make Deacon Jones wholly unsuitable at this time for ordination to the priesthood.

    1. Have you nothing better to do? If you have carried out all the commandments you can start on the works of supererogation. Maybe you could begin by burying the dead in places where that’s needed.

    2. 8.28 well formed reply I just hope the people concerned have informed the Papal Nuncio of their future actions as I do not think the Bishop or Jones will move on this issue.

    3. MourneManMichael21 June 2018 at 12:58

      Irrespective of opinions held, for and against, it's refreshing to see an informative intelligent comment such as yours 08:28. Thank you.
      I agree with your 'bottom line', as expressed in your bottom two lines.

    4. pretty sure most of the queens here have far more embarrassing pics in their closet than this alleged pic of a deacon -- you are a bunch of neurotic nellies

    5. @,8.28
      My God . but you're longwinded.. I lost the will to live ....Ho hum...

    6. @8:28, well said! Excellent post.

    7. @MourneManMichael

      I am grateful for your kind words with respect to my observations. I wish they did not have to be written. I do feel an element of sympathy for Deacon Jones and his family. But, it remains the case that the deafening silence from both Jones and the Diocese make these observations all the more pertinent, and Jones unsuitable for ordination to priesthood.

    8. @8.28 firstly you must have been living under a rock, Deacon Sean Jones has been actively working in Killarney. He has been doing first Friday visits and involved in other services.

      Secondly, why would one bother responding to these allegations. it's clear responding would only draw further attention and attract media attention. Pat would love that...the mafia are playing this one right.

    9. 08.28
      Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell.

  6. Have faith, give the guy a chance!

    1. Is that the same “faith” bishops displayed when they moved recidivist clerics from parish to parish? No, Jones is tainted. If he was serious about embracing the promises of priesthood, he would publicly request that his priestly ordination be delayed for a number of years so he could minister as a deacon in the diocese, thereby proving his suitability for ministry. Actually, if that was the case, I would support his ordination as he would then be in exemplar of the transformative power of sacramental grace. Regrettably, we now have deceit, subterfuge with the concomitant complete lack of transparency that has been so ruinous for the church in Ireland.

    2. 09:02 A diarrhoea of words so early in the morning and a constipation of wit.

    3. Well this is all one shi**y situation, is it not, 09.35?

    4. That is so true, 10:19. Not to mention, totally sickening.

    5. 09:35, that's your one, staple response, isn't it?

      Where did you come by it? A fortune cookie?

  7. What colour jock-strap will be worn on the day?

    Pat why don’t you turn up to this ‘public’ ordination?

    1. The suggestion by “anonymous 08.56” is excellent. I am willing assist with your travel costs to Kerry and one night at the Listowel Arms Hotel (I am serious) if you are willing to make the trip to Kerry for this “public ordination”. You never know in this new era of openness, you might be invited to concelebrate and even lay hands on Jones. After all your consecration as bishop is accepted as being illicit but valid, so young Deacon Jones could have the privilege of two bishops assisting with his “ordination”. As a matter of ecclesiastical courtesy, you will, of course, let Bishop Browne know that you are intending to make the journey. I am sure the good people of Moyvane will extend to you a warm welcome. It is not every day that two bishops are present in the parish.

    2. Pat will be as welcome as a boil on my arse. He hasn’t been made welcome in most places, why would Kerry be any exception. Most commentators on here are all mouth and wouldn’t have the courage to show up in Kerry on the day. They’d all run a mile and shit themselves on the spot.

    3. 19:54, last time I s**t myself, I was a first grader. (But I hadn't first run a mile, though.😞)

    4. Magna, you must have no life, comments from you popping up everywhere...

      19.54 you're right, I heard group of people will be waiting and ready for Pat....plenty of people want their chance to run Pat out of town.

    5. 21:32, well, if comments from me are 'popping up everywhere', then, logically, I do have a 'life'.😆

    6. 21.32 Yes I heard about the group that are ready for Pat in Kerry. Pat tried to go and confront Fr Gates in Magherafelt too on Confirmation day. When he saw a group waiting for him Pat turned his car around on the road and sped off. He even had a nice few omelettes cracked open on his car windows as he left. Come to Kerry Pat and you’ll get the same welcome.

    7. 22:20, and you're all (what?) Christians in Magerafelt and Kerry. 😅😆

  8. Sean Jones has obviously had a couple of years to sort himself out. Let's give the lad a chance. He has even lost a lot of the photo above with the one on the Kerry website. Let's hope he becomes a decent priest. That's all we can hope for.

    1. 09:33, you're familiar with the phrase 'FORLORN hope', aren't you (being a person of the world and being...tolerably... well educated)?

      Do you know what the phrase means, though?😆

    2. I know what the phrase "pretentious idiot" means .. though.

    3. 22:27, trust you to go off topic!😆

      Er, AD disorder?😆😆

  9. It’s shocking that this man is going to be ordained. I hope those people are successful in having it stopped. Rome needs to intervene here and call a halt.

    Jones needs to be dismissed from the clerical state. Brown sounds dangerously incompetent and unfit for leadership.

    Brown’s “determination” to ordain Jones is reckless endangerment of the faithful and will injure the Church in Kerry.

    1. 09:46 Clearly your knowledge of ecclesiastical history leaves a lot to be desired. Read a bit of Chaucer for your information and your edification. As Eamon Duffy puts it, when in the late Middle Ages, when celibacy was the church's official position for diocesan clergy, anyone who thinks that the parsonages of England were bereft of the patter of little feet is deluding themselves.

      Deacon is merely the most recent in a long line of tradition.

    2. What, actually, is shocking, the pair of youse, is that sheepish Roman Catholic laity still, despite all the sexually perverted revelatons, believe in the biblically corrupt idea of ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD.


    I see there has been a conspicuous amount of comment on the blog this morning. It has been brought to my attention that the ordination of Jones may not take place in Moyvane, but it will take place in the cathedral in Killarney. Last evening in Killarney a local undertaker told a priest that the ordination of Deacon Jones was taking place in the cathedral but he was not sure of the date. The undertaker was adamant about this fact. He also told the priest he must be mistaken about Moyvane.

    There has been virtually no preparation in Moyvane. Jones is seemingly organising his own choir. Browne has not been out to Moyvane to oversee the logistics that is normally associated with an ordination such as additional microphones, music, chairs, the place for the post ordination photographs. So it must be that the undertaker is correct. The justification is that it will be switched at the last moment due to demand and it is more appropriate that the first ordination in the diocese for a long time takes place in the cathedral.

  11. The more recent introduction of a ‘propaedeutic’ year may have constituted the King’s final year at seminary, instead of the first.

  12. He has slimmed down! I wonder if he is still as hairy? Cute guy x

    1. Since when do we decide a man's suitability for priesthood by his "cuteness"?

    2. From your comment one can only conclude that your are jealous because he is as gorgeous and gorgeous.

    3. Some immature idiots around today ..

    4. You proved my point with your reaction, you are jealous of him because he is gorgeous, that is why you are reacting in such a way to me.

    5. As a retired married grandmother, I can assure you that your jump-to-conclusion rejoinders are very wide off the mark.. I have better things to amuse me than some silly wayward boy who doesn't know what he is meant to be doing!

  13. I am a lifetime parishioner in Killarney and I have never seen our supposed deacon Sean Jones doing anything in the cathedral or parish. I think that that boring Browne man had him in hiding until the heat subsided. But now the fire is burning again.

    1. You can't be as devoted as much as you say.... I've seen Deacon SJ perform weddings, baptism and assisting with funerals on numerous occasions, doing a fine job too. You idiot

  14. I have to laugh at the post last night asking for today's blog to be on the FSSP, an opening comment today clutching at straws (which failed to set the tone) and 9.55 suggesting a change of venue.

    It looks like a failed co-ordinated effort;
    Plan A. Suggest a topic to influence the next blog - fail.
    Plan B: influence the direction of today's blog - fail.
    Plan C: avoid bloggers showing up at the ordination by muddying the details with evidence of 1) an undertaker's opinion and 2) bishop Ray not following usual microphone check proceedures despite having never ordained before.

    1. The comment made yesterday about the FSSP was both valid and true. The revelations in comments on the blog post a few days back aroused interest in the Dioceses of Westminster and Lancaster, amongst both clergy and laity. If the suggestions of underhand dealings between the French priest and Cardinal Nichols are anything to go by, and rumours surrounding the influence given to a particular young woman in London, this needs further exploration.

    2. The said Fr de Malleray seems very focused on issues regarding sexuality, judging from the number of articles and homilies he has written about the matter online. Let's hope these suggestions of his affection for 'a lovely young redhead in London' are not implicit of anything more!

    3. I attended the Latin Mass he says for young people in London last month, and couldn't help but notice the amount of time he spent sat with this woman, compared to the brief greetings he gave to everyone else. It would be interesting to know why this woman, who by all accounts has only been attending since Christmas, has become so favoured by him?

    4. Rumours above are false!

      I am a close friend of the priest mentioned in these comments, and told him about them. There is absolutely NO truth in suggestions that he is negotiating with the Cardinal to establish a new parish. He emailed the Cardinal some weeks ago to get a statement of support on the flourishing Juventutem group that meets in London on a monthly basis, which the Cardinsl happily obliged. There are currently NO efforts being made to establish a parish for Juventutem at present.

      The other rumours RE: the young woman, is a close friend of Fr de Malleray's, and had been advising him on matters regarding Juventutem's future in London and elsewhere.

      Please stop naming and gossiping about innocent people.

  15. If deacon sean jones is ordained those ‘other’ photographs he sent around WILL be released too....

    This will not end well for him


      Dear 11:00

      I think that now is the time to release these photographs.

      They may stop the ordination in the first place.

      You can send them here:

    2. If this ordination goes ahead it will lead to Ray Brownes resignation.

    3. @11.00

      Enquiries amongst the people of God happen before ordination, not after. If you have evidence of unsuitability it ought to be presented. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

    4. 11.00 is a total timewaster, fraud, liar, deceiver, manipulator and boll**s. He has no more than photos of SJ than I have of the Papal Nuncio in the nude. Pat, are you such a fool to believe this blow mud?

    5. 14:27, have you a photo of the papal nuncio au naturel?

      Is he, er, well sculptured?😰

    6. Did you receive the "other" photographs Pat??

      Strange the haven't been exposed before now.....I'd question half the people on here. Please share if you get them.

  16. 09:55, you give yourself away as a complete idiot.
    Bishops do not “oversee the logistics” of an ordination, or anything else for that matter. They rely on the local clergy and laity and they just turn up on the day and ‘do the needful’.

    Your comment shows that you don’t have the first clue what you are talking about so shut up.

    The faithful of Kerry need to stop this ordination from taking place. “Do you judge him to be worthy?” is asked by the bishop at the beginning of the rite of ordination. How can anyone, in good conscience, answer affirmatively in the case of SJ?

    It is astonishing that this man was not dismissed two years ago. Something is very seriously amiss in all of this and drastic action needs to be taken. Is Ray Brown mentally unstable?

    Everything about “King Puck” screams NOT SUITABLE! and GET HIM OUTTA HERE! This is absolutely farcical.

    1. The late, Bishop of Kerry, Diarmaid O’Súilleabháin, took an active interest in the preparations necessary for ordinations, as he did for confirmations. He believed that liturgy should convey a sense of the numinous, so prior preparation prevented piss poor performance. Your impertinence telling me to “shut up” is misguided. You must reside in a diocese overseen by an indolent Ordinary. But, I agree with your final observation that Sean Jones is not suitable for ordination and must not be ordained.

    2. Apologies to you in that case. Diarmaid O’Súilleabháin, however, was the exception. No Irish bishop oversees the logistics of either ordination or confirmation. They just show up and expect all to be prepared.

    3. Most bishops trust a master of ceremonies with such preparation.

    4. @13.46 Amy Martin oversees Confirmations. She stamped her high heel firmly down recently wanting Irish in a Confirmation ceremony,

    5. It’s a pity Amy (pathetic excuse of a Bishop) Martin doesn’t stamp her clog down more on clergy issues in her own diocese. She doesn’t like her petticoat getting ruffled but if she can’t stand the heat she should get out or be thrown out for incompetence and her tomfoolery.


    Could the fact that Sean Jones knows so much about Maynooth. other seminariians, priests and senior clergy be a reason for his ordination?

    Is it to stop him telling all he knows?

    1. Pat, indeed. There is something very rotten in all of this. It has long been suspected that very senior figures are compromised sexually in all of this scandal.

      The BDSM blog yesterday - “Gorgeous”, “Horny Andy X”, the repeated claims that senior clerics have “seminarian rent boys”, et alia, etc. - all point to deeply embedded corruption - the tendrils of which reach very high up.

      It’s time to ignite that bomb whatever the fallout. We can clear up the wreckage and rebuild. Clear them all out.

      Ordaining this unworthy and suitable candidate in Kerry is only compounding the filth and the evil that has taken roost in the Irish Church and priesthood.

      Certain seminarians, mentioned often here, need to be removed. If they are blackmailing, including the “Mad Puck Goat”, it’s time to call their bluffs and let them name and shame whosoever - no matter how high “up the ladder” it goes.

      Away with the lot of them. This is a shocking disgrace and makes a mockery of everything for which we are called to stand.

      This is not human failure and understandable sinfulness and weakness. This is a culture of crass cynicism and studied contempt for what is holy. This is blatant perversion and sneering evil. It must be dug out and every rotten branch extirpated.

    2. @12.40 Take your tablets and go and lie down in a darkened room you mad rambling nut job.

    3. 14:17 obviously you are one of those in question. Which one are you? “Horny Andy”? The “trolly dolly”? The “mad puck goat” himself? “Brendan”? “Mark”? Are we interrupting your bondage games this afternoon?

      Maybe you are one of the formation team overseeing the degenerate Gaynooth? Prying Paulie? Micky the Extractor? Or aul “Fanny” her very self?

      Clean the lot of you out. Your days are numbered.

    4. Take two more tablets in about four hours from now just to prevent Myocardial Infarction

    5. All this fantasizing about seminarians is a complete delusion and a symptom of pathology, it seems to me.

    6. "to stop him telling all he knows" -- god, Pat, you're deep into conspiracy theory

    7. 12.40 Yes. Swallow the laxative tables after a hot bath. Be sure to finish the bath first though - all of it.

  18. Jones has information on Prior and a certain Priest in St Luke's in Manchester. Wink wink. Jones if pushed will spill the info on them.

    1. @12.19 Give over you waste of space, big mouth with no substance. You are a ponce.

  19. Replies
    1. Stop bullying.

    2. And who exactly is 13.34 bullying?

    3. The pregnant one

    4. Sorry, 16:09, who is pregnant?



    Sorry for the capitals. Need people to read and act.

    1. anonymous denunciations and demonizations are the bane of the church

    2. 13.39: Pat, as repeated here by you and others - large type print equals bullying, intimidation and harassment. Totally unacceptable. Whatever about the rights and wrongs of the forthcoming ordination, is all this invective, nastiness and character assassination necessary? Perhaps, and It's a qualified Perhaps, this man has repented of his errant behaviour. Imagine if all of us were under the microscope as SJ is, would we be happy, proud or ashamed?

  21. Hi Pat will a member of Maynooth Seminary Council be in attendance at Puck's ordination.

  22. This MUST be stopped everyone with any information must pass it to Bishop Buckley or at least send it to the Irish Papal Nuncio.

    It would be sad to see Bishop Ray Browne having to resign over an ordination that has gone wrong and he needs help with factual truth as soon as possible.

    bishop Ray was at the Golden Jubilee but was well evident that he and the other Bishop there do not get on sadly I take it the other Bishop did not like the Love that Bishop Browne has in the Diocese of Kerry and an Archbishop in waiting is Bishop Browne hope this does not even the Bishop and he is a Canon Lawyer so knows the score.

  23. The Diocese is NOT interested this Ordination will go ahead no matter what as everyone see's this as hot air.
    So come and join in at the Ordination in the Wonderful Diocese of Kerry


  25. 15.42 As if he would bother with this shite blog and sign himself as Puck you head the ball.

  26. "Contre la médisance il n'est point de rempart"

    1. MourneManMichael21 June 2018 at 18:07

      Oui mon ami. Et un sot savant avec la medisance est sot plus q'un sot ignorant!

  27. The Lavender Mafia's protective tentacles are long and strong. Cardinal McCarrick was protected for years in the US even though his "tendencies" were well known for decades.

    Jones can act as good as the rest of them and has fooled Browne for the last two years. The real Jones will appear sooner or later and will be another scandal that could have been easily prevented.

    The Mafia's footsoldiers are out in force today based on posted comments.

  28. Pray for him and for the Diocese

  29. I hear that he is well endowed

  30. Re the pious clericalist at 16:51, consider the malice of young and not so young men who get themselves ordained and set up for life in order to have a bloody good laugh at the poor suckers who maintain and enable them. As has been observed on this blog before, Westminster is rife with these characters; their simpering and gin-infused gatherings and holidays together reinforced by ex-Anglicans - not a woman in sight! Moliere also observed, il y a fagots et fagots .... Forgive my childishness but truly one could weep given the toxic attitudes demonstrated to LGBT issues in their twisted little world. Make no mistake: this is the culture of most seminaries; just some are more notorious than others.
    I wonder whether Pat is preparing to address the McCarrick story. I wrote something last night, which could have disappeared into the ether, or maybe Pat doesn’t want to detract from the Puck scandal. I trust I wrote nothing wrong or inappropriate, but it seems to me very clear that we are dealing with clerical malaise and turpitude on a universal scale. It has gone way beyond questioning an individual’s good standing or a particular seminary gone to the dogs. The whole system is rotten to the core, representing a massive failure of moral and intellectual integrity, both personal and institutional. Strength to your efforts, Pat - you are a true prophet and trustworthy pastor.

    1. How are things out in Hertfordshire? Much gin consumed there I wonder?

    2. 18:25, yes, the system is indeed 'rotten to the core'. But what else could it be? Since it's the practical application of a theology of priesthood which itself is the core of rotteness.😆 (That example of wordsmithing sounded dead clever, didn't it?)

  31. How are ye this evening, girls?

    1. Where's Canon Matt Heartburn this glorious weather?

    2. The girls are dead on, thanks . Doing brilliantly.. Barbecue ye - hah!

  32. 17:29, please tell us more?

  33. Pat, no need to publish this comment, I'm after hearing "Puck" has been admitted to hospital today in Tralee, word is attempted suicide....friend of mine works in hospital as nurse, they said they overheard him mentioning your name among wanted to stop the may have succeeded???

    1. This is not true.

    2. Were this true about Puck’s attempted suicide - it would only further underline his total unsuitability for ministry!

    3. @22.35 attempted suicide as a direct result of online bullying and ridicule has previously been linked to involuntary manslaughter charges.

      Who here wants to be apart of that....I'm all for the truth but there's one picture linking Sean Jones to all of this and apparently from other comments he has been cleared of being the man in the picture???

  34. 19.52 Yet another Lying Idiot.

    1. If this is true, this is awful sad, if this is false then it's malicious but either we're talking about someone's mental health at stake here. Pat, the power of words is not to be abused. Potentially this blog could lead to someone's death...that's a scary thing.

    2. In light of this posting, I have made my own enquiries in Kerry as to the veracity of this concerning assertion. I am pleased to report that Deacon Jones (at the time of writing) has NOT been admitted to hospital.

    3. I’m the poster at 20.30 I knew immediately it was total lies. Can spot a liar and snowflake a mile a way and there have been loads on here today.

    4. 21:57 None of your business who has or has not been admitted. As if you’d be told.

    5. The same lie about attempted suicide was told about Gorgeous.

    6. @21.57 are you a family member. How do you know he wasn't admitted. Surely hospital's would not disclose such information.

  35. 19:52 the mafia switch from distraction to emotional manipulation.

  36. Many have been worse then KP... remember KOB.

  37. He is not the filthiest person alive, so let the ordination go ahead, +Pat.

    1. It really is so hard to know, isn't it?

    2. Fearghal Darach Brannon21 June 2018 at 23:14

      You are so right, 22.33.

      I could not have put it better myself. So, so hard to know.

  38. Pat, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for allowing the kind of comments posted today. You have behaved recklessly, dangerously and maliciously. You have no awareness of what careless gossiping and speculation can do. The onslaught - deserved or undeserved - on this deacon is morally reprehensible. Do you ever take responsibility for your outrageous behaviour?

    1. I completely disagree. Deacon Jones could have ameliorated the situation by issuing a public denial. In the diocese of Kerry, we have “the patronising disposition of unaccountable power”. For far too long, Irish bishops have ordained men to the priesthood who have been questionable with ruinous consequences.

      Asking legitimate questions is not reckless, nor is it dangerous. The Diocese of Kerry and Deacon Jones have been aware of these allegations for over two years – the silence continues to be deafening. As a minimum, Deacon Jones, should resile from the ordination until his suitability was established. I am afraid you are attacking the messenger. Your opprobrium should be directed at Bishop Browne and those responsible for formation in Maynooth.

    2. Asking a legitimate question in one thing, but with no evidence this is slander. As far as I knew KP was cleared of all wrong doing. Just named and shamed by association. The messenger aka Pat seems to have an unhealthy obsession with all of this. No response does not mean guilty! As someone yesterday mentioned the "mafia" are simply not adding fuel to the fire by responding.

      Surely if any of this was true they wouldn't allow the ordination to continue??

      It's hard to know the truth but what I do know is this platform was to allow people to share views and opinions, not to bully someone to the point of attempted suicide??

      These are young men. Ever think they were victims of abuse. Possibly groomed by the seniors...maybe it's them we focus on. Don't know. just saying.

  39. Monsignor Gillen is retiring as titular organist of the Pro Cathedral after the papal visit and he has appointed his successor. Guess who? Conor Gannon!

    1. That is not true about his successor, sh*t stirrer 22:59. His successor was appointed months ago, and it definitely is NOT Gannon.

    2. Seen as you 23:06 seem to know all about his successor, tell us who it is then, if it's not Conor G.

    3. Gerard Gillen isn’t a monsignor, he’s not a cleric of any description. Truth and accuracy seem to be optional extras on this blog.

    4. 23:12
      You are confusing past and present participles. It doesn’t do any credit to what you are trying to say. It helps to put in context your cheap shot at shaming and humiliating a named person. The word vile springs to mind.

    5. Are you sure Fr Gillen is not a Monsignor, 23:33? I heard he got it when he retired as Professor of Sacred Music in Maynooth College.

    6. No he’s not a priest so could never be a Monsignor. He is a Papal knight though.

  40. This is not about giving a guy a break. If KP‘s interesting experiences had given him understanding and sympathy for the human heart, and compassion for the invidious situation in the Church in which gays, divorced people, women in general find themselves in, then he might just possibly do some good. However, even if he possessed empathy and compassion, he is forbidden from exercising them in ministry. That is why we have priests who speak of homosexuals as if they had never met one ( you might well chuckle ), regard smugly those to whom they deny communion year after year, and pontificate over issues regarding women‘s bodies — surely a no go area for them in more ways than one? The fact that the most recent scandal at the Irish College occurred during a celebration of 50 glorious years of Humanae Vitae is beyond parody. At least we can be assured that birth control is not being practised!

    1. 22.59 in fact there was no such celebration for Humanae Vitae, and moreover the two students have sued media outlets for claiming what you insinuate.

    2. Who is the KP mentioned by the granny at 22:59?

    3. The true scandal is that the media should suggest the calumny that two seminarians could have been engaged in unnatural practices — and with each other! They will of course be vindicated in the courts and the media cracked into line as in the good old days of John Charles McQuaid, whose sanctification is surely long delayed. No celebration then: just a perfectly normal lads‘ night in at the Irish College.
