Sunday 5 August 2018



Is he in.physical danger? 

He may be. It's possible that some nut case who thinks they love the "church" might hurt him in some way.

Would someone in the Church ask someone to hurt Bill - a rogue Garda or a member of some ignorantly blind "Catholic family.

It might seem unlikely. But I assure you these hierarchs are capable of anything.

He was beaten badly in Croatia for no apparent reason.

Is he in danger within the Church?

He most certainly is. 

Eamon Martin is not the mild talking effeminate man he appears to be.

He still thinks he is a headmaster and he has a bad temper and takes buffs and throws wobblers all the time. The staff in archbishops house see this side to Amy.

Currently he in on 2 weeks holidays - somewhere fancy I am sure. But he is being kept informed by others - his two vicar generals, his pet Aidan Gordon, and God knows who else.

He will return from holidays determined to sort Father Bill out.

I imagine first of all he will want Bill to leave Monasterboice and go on a "sabbatical".

There will be conditions on the sabbatical - psychological assessment and treatment. 

Bill will be expected to maintain radio silence, disappear into the woodwork and never speak publicly again.

If he does not do this Amy will try and remove him from his parish under "force".

If he does that, Amy needs to remember what happened to the presbytery in Larne when Cackle Daly tried to oust a priest.

That clergyman will go to Monasterboice to stand with Bill in such a scenario.

Amy may threaten Bill with some canonical sentences and devices.

He will send other priest's to try and persuade Bill to co-operate - Job's Comforters.

He might even try and use Bill's family?


The major abuse scandal in Armagh will be allowed to coast along with all parties covering up.

Whatever you think of Bill, stop for a minute and think again.

Don't shoot the messenger and forget the message.

Don't allow the massive RC road roller to roll over Bill and flatten him into the ground.

Bill may be far from perfect.

But on this abuse and cover up issue he is a prophet.

The OT prophets were often crazy and eccentric.

But that didn't stop God using them!


  1. Keep up the good work , Bill and Bishop Pat.
    Best wishes and take good care for the long , good fight .

  2. Neither you Pat not Mulvihill resemble OT prophets in any way. Don't be so delusional. Mulvihill is being encouraged by you to make an utter fool of himself. He may have grievances, as we all have, but to suggest he is in danger is OTT and laughable. He is endangering his own well being by being the obstinate bully he reveals himself to be, much like yourself. AB Martin should pack his suitcase for the nearest psychiatric ward. Thus guy needs help. Your intervention over the past few days has greatly enabled Mulvihill to go into a steep personal decline. You have a penchant for using the struggles of others to masquerade as ""compassion" when in fact you are misguiding and recklessly contributing further misery on Mulvihill. Take him to Larne!! I believe you are damaging this troubled man. The only person flattening Bill into the ground is himself. Teach him to be more circumspect, careful and wise. Though I think these attributes escape you!!

  3. Patsy get a grip, if you cant see by reading this poor souls comments that he has lost the plot, or he's on the drink.
    He is naming people and defaming them. He also seems to have some sort of persecution complex. He really needs help he must be removed from his parish, he is causing scandal and I feel sorry for his parishioners who have to put up with this.

    1. You cannot defame by telling the truth.

      It's not about Bill.

      It's about abuse.

    2. 00.31: Sadly, Pat is encouraging this man Bill to have a huge crash! Bill is not a prophet, nor is Pat. To suggest otherwise is foolish, blind delusion. There are many, many GOOD priests who, today will COURAGEOUSLY proclaim the gospel of CHRIST and endeavour to live it, with challenge and difficulty. Re: my comment at 00.23, let me assure you Pat and Bill - I have COURAGE but I don't need to advance my personal agenda and grievances by smashing others into the ground. The innuendos of much of Bill's comments are outrageous, slanderous and defamatory. Get a grip lads - THE BILL AND PAT SHOW is bad for your health!!

    3. The level of your courage is shown by your anonymous tag.

      At least Bill and I put our names to EVERYTHING we say.


    4. If you and Bill weren't as vicious, threatening and irrational, people might put their names to comments. But since you have no respect for others or TRUTH - why would anyone allow you to make a fool of them...Disregard all anon comments and you'll have no one!! You have both lost moral integrity. This Bill and Pat lark is tiresome...

  4. I'd love a chicken curry

  5. I don’t know what to think about Bill’s situation. Why are the media not all over this story? If Bill is right, Eamonn Martin and Diarmuid Martin are both finished. So is the priest he named and Brady’s ass too comes into the firing line. If Bill is wrong then he will indeed need sectioned, for the safety of others as well as his own.

    1. The media are afraid of being sued.

      It will be all over the media.

  6. I have been awoken by a phone call from far away fields to look at this blog.

    " Steep personal decline" dare you...get a hold of your arrogance and assess your own health Sir .

  7. I have never mistaken the AB of Armagh for being a mild mannered man. In Derry he was know to the other clergy as the 'machine'. Now why was that I wonder? Dear Pat and Bill take care, look after yourselves, don't answer the door after dark be observant when you are out and about. Above all remember the joy of the Lord is your strength.

  8. Pat your one evil man abusing the most vulnerable in society all for your own gains!

    Repent in hell!

  9. reprehensible of you to do this

  10. My late father used to refer to fanciful, delusional and neurotic thoughts as follows - they are as far fetched as a bucket of shite from China. I was appalled at the posts over the past few days but this most recent suggestion is best described as above.

  11. Pat. You're not well God bless ya. would you not direct Bill to his GP or make contact with Archbishops House. Sincerely hope Bill will be Ok. With all my prayers and best wishes

    K. R

  12. I thought it was the ravings of an old whisky priest. I expect he will receive a knock on the door from one of the singing priests sooner or later.

  13. BP Pat- I believe you are not too far off the mark here in your analogy. Our Lord even suggested that a prophet would not be welcome in his own town. From what I can gather Fr Bill has a genuine grievance - that grievance is not a personal vendetta, but a genuine desire to root out the evil in the Church which seems to be unfortunately very real. The Church is Christ's not man's. I hope and pray that Bill will be safe and that he will be recognised for what he has done. Unfortunately it seems that evil is prevailing and that satanic forces are running deep in the hierarchy.

  14. 00:23 – it is blind cowardly fools such as you who have exacerbated and enabled the biggest crisis the Church has had to endure in its 2,000-year history: Wanton, venereal, venal, vulturine priests who have destroyed the faith of millions and who are in the process of completely bankrupting the Church of assets worth billions which could have been used for outreach, evangelisation, education, the poor, hospitals, etc.

    These same insatiable wolves in black, purple and red are the real cause of the ostensible “vocations crisis” in that they prohibit genuine vocations from entering seminaries and force many that do have the courage to enter to leave – many of whom with their faith and psychic state ruined for life.

    The Faithful have now had enough and the word is out after decades of cover-ups, denials and castigating whistle-blowers as “gossips”, “trouble-makers”, “uncharitable”, “judgemental”, “mentally-deranged”, etc., etc.:

    The McCarrick case is the snowflake which is causing an avalanche of similar revelations from around the world and the nadir of this slow-burning scandal is now upon us. I fear that the Church may never recover in regions where she was once revered.

    The many good clergy whose struggle at the coal-face is being made all the more arduous because of mentioned malefactors are in my prayers.

    1. Don't forget the Pell case is also about to begin.

    2. 07:54 Your list of references show the stable you emanate from. Delusional, destructive, defective, deficient dire analysis.

    3. Do you have a dog in the fight, 11:35? In my experience liberal Catholics tend to be liberal in their own personal sexual behaviour and they want to teachings changed to ease their consciences.

    4. So EWTN is delusional? It is you who are utterly detached from reality 11:35 - enjoy your opiods tonight.

  15. Through long experience I have a rule of thumb re clerical dress as indicating the man behind the garb. Bill is dressed for service to the people of God not for his own glory or to live out some fantasy about the mystical status of the priesthood — which translates as entitlement. God bless and keep you, Bill and Pat, and surely there must be others prepared to speak out? 50 years ago there was massive internal debate about Humanae Vitae, whereas today where is the courage and anger within the Church? I am dismayed by the number of still practising Catholics who still seem to think that good Pope Francis will sort things out. You think so? At least the right wing nuts and Latin Mass brigade SAY what the think. The rest of us just put up with it — apart from the vast numbers who one day simply stop going to Mass and never return.

    1. Cardinal McCarrick was always very well turned-out, 08:09.

  16. PPat if the church accrued in three thuggish way you suggest vis-a-vis Mulvihill you would long since have got the hiding you deserve! Grow up you ninny!

    1. They didn't try and give me the hiding you recommend.

      You are a passivist?

      But many dirty trick were attempted - things that caused the RUC to put bullet proof glass on my home and train me in the use of a personal protection weapon.

      You don't know the half of it.

    2. You were never issued with bullet proof glass or a personal protection weapon. I've checked. That I can state quite categorically Rev. Buckley. A F.O.I. request will confirm this. Ex NIO Official.

    3. FOI away.

      It will be confirmed.

      I was also brought to the RUC shooting range at Garnerville for training.

  17. If Eamonn Martin thinks that any of your suggestions are a goer, tell him he is dreaming.

    Now we sit for the first course : I request that Allianz ( was Church and General here in Ireland) from their historical files OR The Irish Bishops Conference from their vault in Mullingar to release the twenty six settlement files with the twenty six dioceses that they have copies of....Each diocese had an insurance policy for their priests and the abuse that was known about. Church and General had the big picture and asked each bishop to settle in with every Catholic Bishop, they jumped at the large sum. Allianz today are counting their lucky stars and the bishops, well they are getting poorer. Yes, I challenge ye under freedom of information, Let we the people see......

  18. Eamonn Martin was Episcopal Conference Secretary for a number of years.

    Those files were/are Episcopal Conference property.

    I would say Michael Smith could give you each syllable within....

  19. It was a very expensive vault!!!!

    1. It would have to be - to contain such vileness.

    2. Pat you and Bill must be jealous your names aren't on these files that are under lock and key as you say..catch a grip the 2 of you, if 2 clowns think they are going to wreck the Catholic church think otherwise..Mulvihill time you done the respectful thing and resigned as your not fit for duty.

  20. There will be big words in them......someone can get a dictionary...

  21. Pat, listen carefully to the 2nd Reading today at mass. Very apt for all of us but for you particularly and for Bill Mulvihill. Take heed as I will.

  22. The guy coming from St. Marys to be secretary....I just realised why ? Someone else can get a bigger dictionary!

  23. Brady kept repeating the mantra that the bishops were on a learning curve with all of this ( TV interviews can produce this). A lot of Bo...x, they have know for hundreds of years! He knew from at least Formia !!! Child Abuse was no learning curve to was a well worn path...

  24. Is Fr Bill Mulvihill in physical danger? Not so far fetched. Rogue Gardai. ... No, never, in Ireland. After all those files on Sean Fortune and the others in Ferns just vanished by themselves from the Chief Superintendents office in Wexford.

  25. Formia seems to be at the root of a lot of the evil and malaise in the Irish church. Brady's name keeps coming up. And there was Herlihy too. All going back even to the 1950s. Who was in Formia with Brady? Them were the days when the boyos in Rome didn't go home for holidays but to Formia for fun. A lot of future bishops were in Formia with Brady. Smith, Murphy, etc. What did they all know about each other that protected them? That insured their future careers. I wonder! Might there be a phallus or two involved?

  26. Ask Fr Bill Mulvihill why he was sent packing from the Archdiocese of Melbourne Australia? I don’t think you would consider himself a hero then!!! Physcian heal thyself!

    1. Bill Mulvihill has a temper. No doubt about that. But he also knows that. From his posts here it is clear that he has a high level of self awareness and knowledge. No he is not perfect. That should not take from the truth he speaks.
      He wasn't sent packing from Melbourne btw. He returned to Ireland by choice and can return to Australia anytime. He is an Australian citizen too. None of that is to say that he may not have had the odd run in with a few cranky right wing parishioners who complained him to Pell. Now there's a name! Imagine Pell and Mulvihill in a spat and Pell calling it a draw!

  27. Anonymous at 08:09

    I am dismayed by people like you, who consider any one right wing or who prefer the traditional liturgy as "NUTS". It is more the left wing Mad Mods who are "NUTS". They have changed and "renewed" both The Church and The Liturgy that they are unrecognizable as Catholic. No wonder there are vast numbers who stop going to Mass and never come back, there is nothing to come back too. It is not anymore "RENEWAL" we need, but a "RETURN" to the fundamentals of Our Holy Faith. From what I learn from reading this blog, it is a clear out of these modernist seminaries and a RETURN to the Iron Discipline of The Church.

    1. A lot of the child abuse happened under that Iron Discipline!

    2. Patsy at 10:14

      So you say, but a lot more has happened since it's gone, if everything we read on this blog is true!

    3. 09:59
      Your anti-modernist rhetoric is only 100 dated.

  28. I was not sent packing from anywhere....your identity will be supplied to me very soon....can take it from there !

  29. If you are connected to Taylor...I shall get exhaustive in my recounting...this could turn cathartic.....LOL

  30. The Archdiocese of Melbourne...We can start with Mons . Twomey of the Mornington peninsula . Ian Eliott had the same experience in Melbourne as here in Ireland....he would be the one to ask about Packing.

  31. Please leave this man alone Buckley. You are the abuser here, not the church!
    This man is very unwell at present and clearly needs help, are you both blind and stupid to these facts!

    You epitomize all that is evil!

  32. Taylor, have you still the property in Darling Harbour!!???

  33. Buckley you have lost the run of yourself. Go and lay siege with Bill to his parochial house in Monasterboice. The Guards won't put up with your claptrap or behaviour. They'd land a few belts on you as you wouldn't be hiding behind the police in the North for a change. No wonder why the PP in Belfast gave you a good hiding.

    1. Another good Catholic recommending violence on a Sunday!

    2. You think you know the scorecBucklry but you don't, you have a lot to learn. I'm not a Catholic and I'm not a believer. For all your years of experience as you keep highlighting you are incredibly naive and dim. This Bill said he got beaten up and described his injuries. A doctor has verified that one specific injury mentioned by Bill was medically impossible. We are not idiots.

    3. Maybe the doctor was an ass. Maybe the doctor said what was required. Never known to happen? They sign plenty of Social Welfare forms! Anyway, the doctor could have offered alternative explanations. Point is he was beaten in Croatia, whether the rectal bleeding was from the kidneys or not is secondary. Dont be trying to undermine the good fearless man with your fakery. Come out of the anon shadows if you have courage.

    4. Come out of the shadow of anonymous you say... but you are anonymous lol. Have you listened to that crap you just posted 11.04.

  34. As you may or may not know, a priest not incarnated in the diocese where he has been appointed a parish priest can only be removed by one person: his own bishop. That was Brady, I can assure you he did not want me back..we had already had a few truth sessions. Be careful where you go with this . oh Ignorant One.

  35. I think that insurance business has hit nerve centre.


    Bill Mulvihill

  36. So are we to conclude from this morning that the insurance company C$G was on to child abuse as far back as the 1980s and got the bishops to cough up? How come no investigative journalist has been on this? Too afraid? Or we only do investigative where organised crime is concerned and Garda protection offered? Or Patsy McGarry is compromised? Too many dinners in Drymcondra, the ABs brother in the paper, too many drunken nights in the sauna? If the IT can't handle the story, maybe Abbey St could?

  37. Are you really serious about the vault in Mullingar and all the Formia stuff? I can't eat me breakfast. You've ruined my Sunday.

  38. William Mulvihill5 August 2018 at 10:24

    William Mulvihill5 August 2018 at 10:22

    I am probably the only priest in Chrisendom to be made a parish priest in another diocese without incardination. Whoever you are, that does not happen unless you are held in high regard. Find another such case and pull yourself up from the s..t you live in..

  39. Yes, it's all true and known to a small group of people and a much larger group who pretend not to know.

  40. Oh be Jaysus, this is too much.

  41. Thank you 10.09

    I shall write without wax..

    1. You are welcome. Keep strong and take care. The wolves are prowling.

    2. Without wax - sin cero - sincere - et ex corde nos diligamus sincero.

  42. As I say They will try anything now.

    I was hoping we could go through the courses in a civilised way at a slow pace....if we were to hit the next course too soon, there would be ulcerated stomachs in all continents. Good Afternoon to The NAC.....Thats the North American College to most of us...

    1. Bill, at least they now know that we will all be carefully watching how they treat you and what they do to you.

    2. Oh the NAC, the NAC, the Jack of all trades. The sight of which made Paul VI weep.
      Now there be many a story about the NAC but life is too short.
      Ever wondered why so many fellas of military background and CIA/FBI become priests? Why so many Catholics 8n CIA and FBI in first place? Ever watched the dynamics of US military and Catholic priests. So homoerotic. The Agencies love the loyalty and obedience inculcated by Holy Mother Slut

  43. I always found Pell to be a Gentleman and I do not believe he is guilty of what he has been charged with. He is being stitched up by the old guard in the Vatican , fellow cardinals out to get him. He is as guilty as hell in the cover up but he never harmed a child as far as I am concerned. He also understood the difference between issues and personality. He was big enough to be a gentleman when the issue had been fought out. Again, a career in taters because of the Nazi dynamic in the Roman Church. He is innocent of those charges. essentially a good and decent man. He always wanted to help..

    1. A jury will decide that now.

  44. 10.40

    You are onto it.....

  45. Pat

    You could run a holiday programme for those in the know...they could blog/journal the truth as therapy even from the psychiatric facilities they are dreaming me into...on your site here....

  46. urbi et orbi

    here we go down a steep piste and very dangerous to get up Sodanos nose .....signing my death warrant.

    Does anyone remember Sodano on Easter Sunday morning Addressing the Pope in St. Peters square... Sodano was giving Benedict the death kiss to his papacy if he didn't play ball as Sodano wanted... he didnt play Ball and Sodano say it through ....he was Pinochets Tennis partner and supped tea with Mrs. there is one wicked man.

  47. Come in Clonliffe , another piece to the jigsaw... and then there is the auxiliary bishop of Dublin who liked " Helping" the Travelling Community...and then those guarded places at the German College in Rome,
    I think "Frisky" ( Dermot Martin) was the vice-rector by election at some stage !!!!!!!!!

    1. I was in Clonliffe 1970 - 1973.

      I know what you mean.

    2. Patsy at 11:09

      What do you mean about Clonliffe? I thought it was alright, until Ryan took over Dublin 1972.

  48. Its Sunday morning throw up your feet and have a think!

  49. Soda o to Benedict

  50. Sodano, Benedict and the Austrian

  51. Now men its Sunday and if you watch carefully you can see The Duchess of Leinster and Lady Balbriddan slip away quietly from worship....its an early lunch and a lovely drive in the Land.....quickly men...youll miss them...

  52. Do ya remember our connell....he was faced down one day by a hospital a doctor....Conneell declared he had never met a homosexual ...ant the oil chaplain scratched his head and wondered whats wong with ya...have ya never looked to right or to left of ya ? Tis like Sunday Miss Elleny this marnin.

  53. A big clap for Susie Daly enter stage left.....

  54. Is that Frisky over there in the dung-gar-ees under the Arches( Fornix) and sure its 2.30

    It is him...

  55. If God really loved the world Farther , would he not have put his mother up on the cross too....twas not fair on his son Farther...

    Sunday morning theological ramblings of the insane...

  56. 10.56

    Best ever happened.

  57. I think Fr Bill's postings does really say it all!

    Pat I pray this Holy morning that good wisdom and a Spirit of Love will come your way.

  58. This guy is heading for a breakdown, Bp Pat. He has literally taken over the blog and probably preventing other good scandals to go unreported.

    1. Theres plenty of time.

      The Father Mulvihill is very hot just now.

    2. Not as hot as Fr Emlym McGinn... something about his chin, Bp Pat.

  59. Be careful of Smith...he has power behind him..very powerful...he is untouched by scandal but very deep in the s..t The Brutons adore him...really adore him !

    1. Michael Smith always struck me as a man untouched by sexual scandal.

      But the knowledge? The use of power? The covering up?

  60. Fr W. You are clearly and decent man but don’t you think that you should be help. You are obsessed with his blog and your sheep need their shepherd to be with them, not spending hours and hours blogging, even in the middle of the night. You know that you are going to have your facilities removed in the coming weeks so why not use that time to do good in your Parish? God bless.

  61. Pat. I know what you are about and what you are trying to achieve. Is there and end game? You must know that no matter what you do, or what you say, it won’t make a big difference. Yes, you may get the odd seminarian removed or even a Priest or Bishop put in jail, but you must know that the institution you were once part of will never change. It is rotten to the core (although some of us are good guys). Why not use your remaining years (of which I hope are plenty) to count your blessings, to be with your partner, to love him and be there for him, to proclaim the word of God and to bring about peace within yourself. All of this carry on can’t be good for your health! Take a rest man! God bless you, pray for me as I will you. Your brother Priest from Archdiocese of Glasgow.

    1. Wise words Fr from Glasgow. Pat needs to chill!

    2. Put a Bishop in jail? That would be a feather in your cap, Bp Pat.

    3. 12:38

      Father, thank you for your sincere post - the honesty and kindness of which I appreciate.

      I know the task of change is enermous.

      But if we all pull together something might give?

      I count my blessing every day. At my 12 noon Mass today I spoke of how in a particular way God blessed me only this week.

      My partner and I are very happy and close.

      My health is good.

      Thank you for your prayers.

      You have mine.


    4. Thanks Pat. Glad to hear that. Just look after yourself. I’m away for a walk now to thank God for the blessings he has bestowed on me.

  62. I‘d respectfully ask Bellarmine at 09:59 to google the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, and read for himself reports of malpractice under the late Mgr Leonard Kalin who was Vocations Director with much responsibility for training for three decades. Several (former) priests and seminarians have already come forward to describe an almost entirely homosexual culture in the seminary fueled by alcohol, cigarettes and gambling. If you were straight or didn‘t like it you were considered to be insufficiently orthodox by Mgr Kalin and were out on your ear. Those who remained became part of the diocesan Mafia playing the game which Mgr Kalin had modeled for them— very similar in fact to the system of patronage which the arch-liberal (supposedly) McCarrick created around him. This model has been remarkably successful in attracting vocations to Lincoln — if that is what one might call them without blasphemy — and Lincoln held up as a bastion of virtue by adoring traditionalist sites. The common factor here is DISSIMULATION pretending to be something you are not. Yet when somebody as thoughtful as James Martin SJ attempts to ask questions or suggest possible paths to truthfulness and integrity, it is the right wing nuts who scream the place down. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz actually excommunicated anyone in Call or Action or Dignity, yet inexplicably did nothing about his own seminary — though apparently young men were instructed to visit Monsignor only in pairs. So he did know? Not nuts then, just liars?

    1. Probably just following the SSPX model.

    2. For every one Mgr Kalin there are a thousand Fr Martins. Let's not worry about Nebraskan seminaries while the Chancellor of that filthy place Maynooth will in a few days be escorting Francis at the WMOF. I wouldn't let any product of a liberal seminary anywhere near my family.

    3. 14:10
      Yes let’s forget Nebraska. Too inconvenient. Let’s condemn Maynooth. More inconvenient. Let’s prefer traditionalist ideology to truth. Most inconvenient.

    4. Anonymous at 13:10

      Thank you for bringing to my attention to the dreadful situation in Lincoln Nebraska. I googled it as you suggested. However it is not a Traditional Seminary there is no discipline and they say The Novas Ordo! If it was run on Traditional rules following the Magesterium of the Church these seminarians would not have time to get up to all that profanity, they would be too tired! It is unfortunate but I'm afraid the only solution is constant checks on both Staff and seminarians to see that they are following the correct formation as required by Our Holy Mother The Church. Eviva Maria

    5. I appreciate Bellarmine‘s courteous reply, and recognize I should not have used the term NUTS regarding right wing and/traditionalist bloggers. Eagerness to make a trenchant or heartfelt point should not lead to disrespect. Though he and I no doubt take very different positions, I believe we recognize — as indeed does everybody who blogs regularly here — that the current laissez faire approach cannot continue. Bishops are appointed to give a specious Panglossian spin: closures are always about coming together; cover ups are a learning curve; malpractice becomes a sabbatical; nobody ever suspected a thing but now effective structures are in place to make sure it never happens again. I am starting to think that Francis is the biggest dissembler of all — probably something Bellarmine and I can agree on — what does he think this jamboree on the family is all about? Another PR job costing a fortune which is going to be reported with next to no interest by the world‘s media anyway. They don‘t take us seriously. That‘s the real learning curve for the bishops.

    6. Anonymous at 19:34

      Yes you are right, you and I would take different positions but we can agree to disagree and still be courteous to each other. I also think you're right about this jamboree it is a complete waste of time and money.I really don't know what to think of it. I would rather something was done about all the scandal we hear about everyday. I'm sick of it, I just want it to end. Please God! Eviva Maria!

    7. 17:48
      A pseudo literate.

  63. I love Fr. Tony Rice he should be called Tony Ride cause he's so sexy

  64. Pat has a history of providing a temporary platform for malcontents with issues that have been examined by the appropriate authorities, including the police. He leads them one that at last the truth will out and heads will roll.

    Take, for example James McConnell of Middletown, there's the alleged rape victim in Bray, and now Fr Mulvihill. Pat lets them make a holy show of themselves on the blog, just so Pat can get revenge and for the craic.

    At times reading the blog feels like being one of the Victorians whose idea of a Sunday afternoon out was paying to gawp at the inmates of Bedlam hospital.

  65. What about Dublin's Father Pearse Walsh?

    1. A man whose little finger is worth a hundred Buckleys.

    2. What's your beef with Fr Pearse? One of the more refined Dublin priests. A little jealousy perhaps?

    3. What about him, Pat?

    4. I have no personal beef with him.

      In fact I was in Clonliffe with him and was in his home behind the Garda Station in Clontarf, Dublin.

      Did Bishop Joe Carroll not ask him to investigate homosexuality in Clonliffe when he was a deacon.

      What was the outcome of that investigation.

      Indeed Pearse is "cultured".

    5. Bellarmine, for one sporting such a glorious non de plume, you are one real vile vile scumbag in your comments.

  66. The truth will set Stephen Wilson Free even if the truth is revolting.

  67. Wilson and Emyln dark hidden secrets. Tut tut bold boys after one drink.

  68. 1238. Nice to have a Glasgow Priest on. All gone quiet there? I visited your lovely Cathedral this week then Mass in an area called Langsside I think it was. Nice Church. The horrendous murder in one of your Churches a few years ago must’ve shaken the Diocese to the core. The PP was an alcoholic who tried his best, but was not supported by the hierarchy who were only visible when condemning him. I also hear that there is a very active homosexual culture up there with many brother Priests, old and young at it like rabbits. At least most of it is kept behind closed doors I suppose. My own Diocese doesn’t have a reputation for the double standards, the few gays we have manage to keep it in their trousers and only lapse occasionally, although a good majority of my brothers love the Latin Mass and dressing up. Not for me! Be good to hear more about the Scottish Dioceses on here. All running smoothly perhaps?

    1. No the Scottish Diocese are not all right as there is a massive shortage of clergy with Galloway being the worse.

      Two of the Scottish Bishops have shown Great Leadership and face reality that being Joe Toal (Motherwell) and Leo Cushley Edinburgh the rest live in the dreams that the garden is blooming.
      Paisley has this wonderful Synod getting the laity to do everything and the clergy will float from parish to parish.

      However the Archdiocese of Glasgow is getting worse the Archbishop just bolts on the next empty parish to each other NO leadership.

      Scotland like Ireland needs to cut the number of Diocese.

      You maybe correct as that is the talk all over the diocese this "culture" and nothing getting done.

      Likely No changes in Scotland for another Eight years and the number of clergy c/o diocesan offices rises.

    2. Don’t get me started on Glasgow. Several Priests are running scared that Pat’s blog will start to uncover awful things .......

    3. 15:27
      Illiterate gay Irishman in Scotland inquisitive about sexual lives of everyone else and getting commission from An Post and Royal Mail for promoting letters to nuncios alert!

      Go back to school!

    4. Cushley showing great leadership my ass. He is very unpopular with the other Bishops, clergy and lay faithful. clergy are retiring in droves and not staying on as they can’t stand him, he has withdrawn financial support for at least 2 Priests without a fair and proper trial and he cannot wait to get back to Rome to brown nose. His handling of the KOB affair was shocking. Tartaglia is a holy man not in great health, but he hasn’t great men around him. A 80k a year head of a Communications who doesn’t communicate, a VG who hit the headlines because of a questionable relationship and some actively gay Priests elsewhere. Nobody has been found suitable to be the Auxiliary there either. What a mess.

    5. + Cushley is trying to get the Archdiocese back in the black as he inherited a mess.

      I just wish he would get rid of the Gay serving clergy that should have went at same time as the Cardinal they were happy at parties and having "Fun".

      + Tartaglia gets what he sowed he got rid of Three Very able people the VG chancellor and Vice Chancellor and brought his friends in however he has been left a very healthy financially situation in Glasgow as + Conti made sure of that.

      I agree the Director of Communication should go certainly NOT value for money.

      + Tartaglia you can see his health is not good now and he needs to tell Rome as he has waited a while for an assistant he has got to 2026 in Archdiocese if his health allows.

    6. Yes they enjoyed “parading in their pyjamas” I’m told. Lots of gay parties in Edinburgh and Glasgow. KOB’s ex boyfriends, one a serving Bishop elsewhere must be running scared as they are about to be exposed. Time is also nearly up for the gay mafia in Glasgow as a certain journalist has recently been handed a story that will shake Clyde Street. It is in the final stages of being corroborated. Pray for all involved .

    7. Let’s move on re Keith as he has passed. Who his boyfriends were is not relevant. He looked out for them and they all turned against him. They are answerable to God. Let us pray for his happy repose. Lots of stuff going on with the living in Glasgay though still to be discussed. Not sure that outing people on here is the way forward. The gay ones I know do lead double lives but none of them preach about homosexuality and they try to be discreet. Pray for them all.

    8. Anonymous at 14:40

      I have friend who lives in Glasgow she told me their once lovely Cathedral was reordered by Ab. Mario Conti. She says that the Sanctuary now resembles a Masonic Hall! And the decor is so glaring and naff it is called "The Gin Palace" Sacred Heart Altar gone! Our Lady's Altar gone! The Corpus removed from the Calvery! so I think this person needs to see an optician. We have enough scandal here without bringing in Scotland.

    9. Your friend must see an optician Mr Bellarmine. Sanctuary is the same and the decor matches perfectly. It is very tasteful and much better than before. Scandal across the whole institution I am afraid.

    10. 14:40 You are a sterile religious dilettante.

    11. Anonymous at 20:30

      I have just had the pictures of St Andrews Cathedral Glasgow e-mailed to me, if you think that's tasteful we will have to agree to differ. It is over 35 years since I last visited it I can assure you that then it still looked like a Catholic Church but not now.

    12. Anonymous at 21:09

      You are sterile, and have no taste!

  69. Investigate what really happened in the Armagh suite after Sean Jones's deacon ordination party. All the lads Wilson, Emyln and co after returning pissed drunk they all spent the night togther in the suite. The snapchat storeis were on the verge of pornographic material.

    1. How did the President not hear the strange goings-on in the Armagh suite next door to him. It was strictly out of bounds to students in my day.

    2. The walls are thick in those rooms, believe me. I've stayed in Cashel and Dublin so I don't think Armagh any different. Easy to host an orgy in Stoyte.

  70. Pat you should think about a newspaper - once weekly with all the stories of the weeks blogs. I would definitely buy it.

    1. 15:10 You’re not the full shilling!

  71. There is no time to loose. For a 4th time in as many days I have received a death threat. The Truth is as follows:

    Father Sean Quinn while in Blackrock Abused sexually and previously Shane Halpin. The Archdiocese of Armagh have paid for counselling for all members of his family.

    Archbishop Eamonn Martin is covering up the abuse of Shane Halpin. All his medical professionals believe him . I believe him.

    Pope Benedict in his letter to Ireland used the word "Filth". The Episcopal Conference, its entire membership is filthy.

    The Pope of Rome should not come to Ireland. Nothing has changed.

    Now take me if you want, you had me trashed in Croatia.

    The people who read this blog have armchair lives.

    William Joseph Mulvihill

    1. WOW! As Mary McAleese would say.

      Bill, you're nailing your colours to the mast now!


    3. 15.24: Bill, you still are in "mad land" - you are naming names without verification: You are informing about families, probably without their consent: You are on a roll with bitterness, vengance and strange behaviour. I'm not sure what's truly happening to you but I believe you've taken a turn for the worse. It's important that truth be told and verified but is your bizarre, strange, threatening language the way to do so? Is defaming everyone as you are doing helping your cause? And why such angst? I believe much of it is "personal" breakdown territory, with some external factors but primarily from inner, emotional, unhappy, unfulfilled manifestations. Why not seek professional help?

    4. Why do people always question whistleblowers mental health.

      It's a well worn way of avoiding the truth.

    5. Bill. Get to confession immediately. You also might as well resign as you will be removed in 2 weeks. Pat will support you and you can join the Oratory Society. Auxiliary Bishop possibly?

    6. 18.14
      Bill,get these to a nunnery immediately.

    7. Fr Bill Will not be joining any Oratory in Larne. He will be staying in the parochial house in Mainistir Buithe. He may even establish his own community there in loose communion with Armagh. Bring back the glory days of Monasterboice. Never have we had such a fearless PP, a shining light to all Armagh.

  72. No accident he is in Togher with Father Tom is no such thing as an accident.

    1. Tom Daly of Ends Kenny Heil Hitler fame! Sounds like a pal of Sodomano.

  73. 14:51 points out the inconsistency at 14:10 nicely. For years trad websites have been holding up Lincoln as the model and all those wonderful young men called to selfless service; now the current bishop is having to tell a rather different story in a pastoral letter to be read out at all parishes while he goes in person to try to patch things up in a parish where the previous PP plied a 19 year old man with drink — but we can forget about that and focus on the real problem in the Church which is a Jesuit ( hiss, hiss ) named James Martin who seems to be suggesting that gay people need not perhaps live in perpetual shame and fear. Now frankly I have little interest in Fr Martin, whose position, no doubt enforced by necessity, reminds me of a well-meaning nineteen-fifties vicar agonizing over the Wolfenden Report. Whereas the world has moved on, the Church hasn’t. So the only types of gay men you generally find in the Church are self-hating queens, and the Burgess and Maclean types who, fueled by booze, get a kick out of living a double life. Seminaries suit both types perfectly, so that‘s what we get.
    In England these characters are welcomed especially in the Fraudinariate. Anybody ever wondered how many horrible old men who these days sign up in support of Humanae Vitae and against sodomy ( they LOVE that word ) were trained in their antics at St Stephen’s House, Oxford?

  74. Does Bill Mulvihill have permission of the alleged victim to publicly identify him? Are the alleged victim’s family on board?

    This is very very dangerous. Naming a victim like this without his/her consent could literally be fatal for the victim.

    It could tip the person over the edge. This is extremely dangerous behaviour if the victim is not in charge of this process.

    1. strongly agree with 17:12, Remove the name of the victim at once.

  75. Lay off Bill Mulvihill now all you trolls. If anything happens to him you will all pay dearly. I and others will ensure that the whole fuc£in# edifice known as the Irish Catholic church comes crashing down in pieces of vomit.And it will be timed perfectly to fu#k up the papal visit.

    1. Anonymous at 17:59

      What a disgusting foul mouthed piece of VOMIT you are! with your threats of people paying dearly if anything happens to Mulvihill! If you had any thought for this person you would have him sectioned for his own safety he is clearly mad! I think you need a visit from An Garda Siochana regarding your threats.

    2. 17.59 Bill does not sound mad to me.

    3. 17.59: You stupid, hateful little w***e. You absolute moron. Bill Mulvihill is the architect of his own downfall, urged on by Pat. You are a phillistine- go back to school. Stay in the loo until you vomit all your bile, hatred and venom into the loo.

    4. Oh dear, seems 17.59 has annoyed some queen's before they lit the thurible for solemn vespers. What a fiery response. Let's hope the little thurible made as much smoke and that their chanting was in tune.

    5. 17.59 touched a raw nerve it seems. How dare can only be a malcontent woman aspirining to clerical power...defend Rev Mr M. and even worse threaten to rain on Little Timmy's parade in the Phoenix Park.

    6. 17:59 Keep taking the smarties!

    7. Bellarmine at 17:59
      Once again you debase the name of the great Roberto Bellarmino by your disgraceful use of language. Obviously all of your energies in the direction of tradition, tranditionalism, Holy Mother Churchism, and pseudo devotionalism to the BVM have had no effect on you.
      You have been wasting your time all these years. Read the Gospels instead and make a new start.

    8. Anonymous aka Mad Magna at 18:59

      I see you're back Polly, you give yourself away by using you own vitriolic venom you can't help it you poor drunken w***e however, I'm still praying for you, as you sorely need it. love and prayers B. Eviva Maria!

    9. Anonymous aka Mad Magna at20:29

      Polly once again it's Santo Roberto Belarmino. There is nothing wrong with my language compared with your's. I will take no lessons from the likes of you an apostate and a traitor. love and prayers B. Eviva Maria!

  76. God bless you, Fr Bill. And thank you for driving from this blog the Magna Carta troll.

    1. Anonymous at 18:18

      If only you were right! The troll is back! check 18:59
      her usual use of the same vitriol.

    2. Magna is terrified of Bill, especially his mighty IP detector, which could out the horrible old troll.

    3. I'm still here.

      But I do beleve that 'Fr Bill' is an utter fruitcake.

    4. Mad Magna at 23:17

      Polly it must be first, you and I actually agree for once. love and prayers B. Eviva Maria!

    5. Long live Magna Carta!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 😅

  77. God Bless Stephen Wilson and his trolly.

    1. Is this the choir boy? Butter wouldnt melt in his mouth.

  78. MourneManMichael5 August 2018 at 18:58

    I believe many whistleblowers have personally endured negative/hostile treatment in the form of denial of their concerns initially. Subsequently many organisations prove unwilling to properly investigate concerns raised, particularly if expressed concerns potentially criticises or threatens the organisational status quo. Organisational denial of fault invariably questions the whistleblowers own functioning and motivation usually with negative inferences and often with critical hostile implications. Such organisational reaction can be insidiously damaging to a whistleblowers wellbeing and mental health leading to work related stress, anxiety and depression. This can manifest itself to varying degrees: verbal/written outbursts; withdrawal/apathy....indeed a whole range responses peculiar to the individual and his/her experience. The consistent theme is how organisations tend to interpret any whistleblowers behaviour. Anything seen as non conformist subservience. MMM.

  79. Pat, SERIOUSLY! Because YOU bear responsibility here too - does the person named as a victim by Bill Mulvihill know that their name has appeared here?

    YOU DON’T “OUT” ABUSE SURVIVORS!!! It could be therapeutically catastrophic for them. This is VERY VERY DANGEROUS AND IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOUR!!

    You too are responsible for any resulting harm to the alleged victim if his cooperation has not been sought!

    1. Father Bill has been caring for the victim and his family.

      The family have begun legal proceedings.

    2. well then, if both you and bill were in any way sensible, you'd know you have just prejudiced any potential court case!!! well done, Dumbass!

    3. If Fr Bill has been “caring” for the victim and his family then all one can say is GOD HELP THEM.

      If Fr Bill has publicly identified the victim without his permission and consultation, his action is both reckless and irresponsible - as is Pat Buckley’s for allowing it.

      This could have terrible consequences for a person who has, it is claimed, already been hospitalised a number of times.

    4. The victims family are fully behind Bill as neither Eamon Martin or the civil authorities have done their job.

    5. Well in that case, Pat, I am 100% behind Bill Mulvihill. This needs to lead to Eamon Martin’s resignation. Maybe even his imprisonment as well as the perpetrator.

    6. Has the alleged perpetrator been arrested yet?

      All very strange.

  80. Mulvihill is not fit to care for himself never mind victims of Abuse and that is well documented by his behaviour of late!

  81. Rev Bill and Pat - Diarmuid Martin has a heart of gold. Stop mischief making and listen to the word of our gracious archbishop(s). God has spoken through Diarmuid Coddle Martin and wingebag Eamon Amy Martin. Lord Hear Us.

    1. I know where you're coming from on Diarmuid Martin, and Bp should show mercy. BUT Bp Pat should not let... that other thing off the hook.

    2. Bp Pat, please show mercy on both Martins.


    3. I woudn't mind being Adrian Egan's caddy.

    4. Good news from TCD. The university's Modernist Catholic "Loyola Institute", which is the husk of the former Milltown, won't admit any more theology undergraduates. This follows the closure of All Hallows and Heythrop, both of which had seriously lost their way. Maynooth is the next to fall.

    5. 23:06
      Present one piece of evidence to substantiate your ‘modernist’ slur!

  82. Bp Pat, this Mulvihill character looks like a younger version of you. Are you preparing him to take over the blog once you retire? I wonder.

  83. Reverend Bill - I ask you this most solemnly - is Diarmuid Martin "frisky" when on the whisky? Was Diarmuid frisky with Gorgeous and Gannon?

  84. Has Bill considered talking to Stephen Nolan?

    1. Bill has no interest in talking to journalists.

      If I was him I would.

      We must respect his wishes.

    2. How does he hope to successfully progress this matter, Pat? Journalists can help in exposing something so horrific as this. Didn’t Bill say himself something about the media being the conscience of the Irish hierarchy?

    3. Respect his wishes? Then you go off and send the story to the media anyways?

  85. Will the WMF occur amidst a storm of scandal? Will the Pope arrive in the midst of a shit blizzard? They deserve everything they get! And a shed load more!

  86. 22.25: That's precisely the agenda of recent times here - to seek to down the WMOF - but GOD IS ON OUR SIDE. Pat and his cohort of hatemongers, you included, will not succeed. GOD BLESS POPE FRANCIS

    1. To 00:02 - God is not - IS NOT - on your “side” - you cheerleading, delusional buffoon.

    2. 09 11: Stay in bed - hate monger .

    3. @9:40 you people are a sick and disgusting joke. God is NOT on your side! Enjoy your empty jamboree with the Pope. It is utterly meaningless.

  87. Ask not whether God is on your side. Ask rather whether you are on God’s side.
