Wednesday 29 August 2018



I have communicated my reasons for this belief to:

Archbishop Okolo - the Papal Nuncio in Dublin.

Archbishop Eamon Martin - the Primate of Ireland.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin - the Archbishop of Dublin.

Bishop Michael Smith - the outgoing Bishop of Meath.

I also know that a number of other people from different parts of the country, especially from Cork have been in communication with the Papal Nuncio on this matter and giving him different reasons for their objections than I did.

None of these prelates have responded to my communications.

But Archbishop Okolo has responded to others to wrote to him on the matter - seeking further information from them.

People have also been in touch with the Bishop of Cork - John Buckley.

If these matters are not addressed before Sunday they will come to light in the future and there will be widespread consternation that all these prelates allowed the ordination to go ahead while being in possession of the knowledge they now have.

The Nuncio is concerned enough about these issues as to be making telephone calls as we speak.




He is one of the people that McCarrick got made a bishop and McCarrick also saw to it that he got promotion after promotion.

The whistle-blowing papal nuncio Vigano has shone a light into Cupich's dark corner.

Cupich was in Dublin last week for the World Meeting of Families.

The parish priest of Monasterboice - Father Bill Mulvihill, spotted him in a hotel and went up and challenged him in the strongest of fashions.

Bill told him that he and most of his brothers in the RC episcopacy were liars and cover up merchants.

Cupich was shocked at being tackled in this fashion by an Irish parish priest, dropped his eyes to the ground and slid away into the hotel life.

We should all be doing what Bill did - tackling these gangers at every opportunity.




Wee Hughie

He's gone to school, Wee Hughie,
An' him not four.
Sure I saw the fright was in him
When he left the door.
But he took a hand o 'Denny
An' a hand o' Dan,,
Wi' Joe's owld coat upon him -
Och, the poor wee man!
He cut the quarest figure,
More stout nor thin;
An' trottin' right an' steady
Wi his toes turned in.
I watched him to the corner
0' the big turf stack,
An' the more his feet went forrit,
Still his head turned back.
He was lookin',
would I call him -
Och me heart was woe-
Sure it's lost I am without him,
But he be to go.
I followed to the turnin'
When they passed it by,
God help him, he was cryin',
An', maybe, so was I.
Elizabeth Shane


  1. High praise for Vigano from the Archbishop of SF. Says claims are true and this is a time of purification.

    1. Who cares what that old pulpit poof says.

    2. He may well be right, but as a bishop he is part of the problem, having declared homosexuality ( in relation to the visions of Fatima ) as “a living expression of Hell”. Notwithstanding his attitude towards fellow human beings in his own diocese ( including those who look to him for pastoral care ) he raises questions about his own credibility and integrity. That kind of ABUSIVE language would render a politician unfit for public office, yet in the Church it is tolerated and normalized. And we wonder why we have a problem with dysfunctional priests. NB in the San Fancisco Chronicle he uses the language of “self-sacrifice” for ViganĂ², who has led a VERY comfortable and privileged life - try telling that to ordinary Catholics in SF who cannot afford a place to live - and praises the “ fervour” of seminarians. Fervour and self-sacrifice? On the golf-course maybe.

    3. There's far too much abusive language in the Church, e.g.

  2. That Wee Hughie poem was very popular as a (very!) rural concert "recitation" in the 1950s and 1960s.
    But eventually, like all ubiquitous things, people's reaction started to become a groaned "Oh, not agai-n-!"

  3. It is my belief that you are an obnoxious bollox who should keep his nose out of things that he has no right to an opinion on.

  4. Ah now Pat, we only just got rid of Tommy D from Cork. If Meath doesnt get him we might be forced to take him back.

    Meanwhile Johnny Buckley has been exposed as incapable of functioning. He hid behind Tommy for about a decade and he is now exposed.

  5. What a tyrant you are Buckley along with your bully boy, Mulvihill. Spiritual Gangsters and abusers in your treatment of others. Both of you have your own dark sides. Disgusting incitement to hatred. If you are so brave, print your concerns instead of encouraging others to do so.

  6. Fair play to ye Fr Bill but unfortunately you might just have blown your chances of ever becoming a Bishop now after that.

  7. Was the WMOF in France?

    Mulvihill not my Parish Priest anymore, he'll never be welcome back in Monasterboice that we can assure him off.

    He can live with you up in Northie land and get promoted as PP to some zoo where the animals might understand what he's waffling about!

    One arrogant, ignorant nasty liar! I can write a book about this sad individual who's only being used and abused by you, taken advantage of a man on his knees Buckley!

  8. Any update on Mark Moriarty. Moriarty is something out of a nightmare movie. He patrols the corridor in St Mary's listening and reporting to Collins.

    1. 05:37

      Hi Brendan. Do you ever feel guilty about destroying and using people you called friends? Hickey, Sheehan, Connolly, Gannon, McElroy, Byrne, Jones, Moriarty etc.

      You are the common denominator in all of this. Karma will come back around for you Marshall...just you wait and see :-)

    2. Hickey and Marshall have run away together! Get with the latest 13:06

    3. 14:34

      Yes I know. My point stil stands. Brendan Marshall destroyed Hickey’s vocation and will use and abuse him. He did it to everyone else on that list.

      Pat will one day realise that Brendan Marshall was the cause of everything that went wrong in Maynooth. He is connected to everyone on that list. He got infomation on people and then he sunk his “friends” to save himself. It is very sad and it will end badly for him. Watch this space

    4. 14:34, 16:32 I don’t want to get into the mechanics of it but it takes two to tango! They’re all as bad as each other!

  9. The church has gone to caca. There's no point in it any more. Tom Deenihan has the honour of becoming chief steward on the Titanic... after it hit the iceberg... right after everybody realised there's no more life jackets left... and he's foolish enough to have accepted the offer.

  10. To anonymous at 23.40. It's because of people like you that abuse has been allowed to carry on. See no evil hear no evil speak no evil. The more people speak up and give an opinion the more a light will be shown on the "accepted" evils of the RC church. Is it supposed to be a religious organisation espousing and PRACTICING the teachings of Christ or a section of the mafia where the followers are mean to observe the practice of omertĂ ? Don't answer that one. I think we already know which one it is. Cover your eyes and ears anonymous. You might not want to hear the sordid evil deeds as brave people expose them and try and do something to get them stopped. Wise up and get real if you do profess Christianity. It's only because of people like BP Pat and Bill Mulvihill that the tide of evil is being pushed out to sea. We are taking back our church anonymous from these twisted evil scum

  11. Pat, WHY has the story fallen out of the mainstream controlled media regarding calls for Pope CACA Francis resignation? What do you think will happen next? Did you see the deflective interview of Cupich? He said Francis has bigger issues to worry about like the environment and refugees. Shocking

  12. has anyone seen someones Facebook page regarding Maynooth. Threatening to write a 'Vigano letter'

    1. When I was in Maynooth there were stories of seminarians meeting visiting priests/prelates in the Glenroyal for paid sex. Does anyone know if there is any truth in this?

    2. Stories? Fairy tales more like.

    3. Fairies indeed!

    4. Are you 70+ because we don't use such outdated antiquated infantile terms like that anymore. Ignoramus.

    5. Oooo! Sorry for offending you princess!

    6. That recalls what Senator David Norris, a practicing member of the Church of Ireland, said about the late Cardinal Desmond Connell on learning that he was big into Malebranche's angelic epistemology. "He may know a lot about angels but he doesn't know much about fairies."

    7. Didn’t Malebranche kick a friend’s dog and claimed its yelp indicated not pain but only a mechanical reaction? Typical of Connell’s mentality divorced from real life, and evinced too in the Church’s teaching on sexuality: it’s for fairies not for actual human beings.

    8. "Church of Ireland" lol. In what way is a small Planter sect the Church of Ireland?

  13. If people are sending written complaints regarding Deenihan, keep copies; when his espicopacy goes 'tits up' They, nunico etc, cannot say they were not warned.

  14. Pat, verify all speculation about Bishop to be, Tom Denihan. Where is your moral courage? You allow others to run with your implicit judgments. It's typical of you to encourage a witch hunt against others. Tell us the damning evidence you possess. TRUTH is absolutely important for all of us but to suggest something sinister is very, very wrong without verification. I cannot ever accept the search for truth on hearsay, gossip and innuendo.

    1. Currently I have sent all I know to the people mentioned above.

      Many others have also written.

      The Papal Nuncio has been telepboning people.

    2. Is this NOT the same Papal Nuncio who get attacked on here day after day for doing Nothing.

      The Archbishop has inherited a mess from the previos Papal Nuncio and he plans to clear it up.

      So he needs help with this forthcoming appointment and at least 10 other appointments in the offering the Three names for many Diocese have been sent to Rome however Dublin has not started yet.

      Hope this proves that the Papal Nuncio takes action lets hope the facts from the people are True.

    3. 13.31 Scotland alert!

  15. May I ask what your concerns regarding Father Tom actually are? or is this innuendo and you are afraid of receiving another solicitors letter, which by the way, you have not published your reply to AB Martins letter, or have you decided to bow your knee in humble supplication?

    1. I have not replied to Amy's letter yet.

      When I do I will publish it here immediately.

    2. Remember to send it recorded delivery, Bp Pat, because they'll turn round and say you never sent it.

  16. Bp Pat, I can’t keep up with it all sometimes. Is this one a rogue, a bully, or a pansexual... or all three?

  17. I always assumed that the Vatican's intelligence on candidates for the episcopacy was thorough, and that they had done due diligence before appointing someone to a bishopric. Then, I discovered many years ago that a colleague had been called to the Nuncio's office to be told that the Holy Father had appointed him to be a bishop. He had to tell the Nuncio that it could not be, and he had to refuse - because he had a child ! Everybody else knew this, how come the Nuncio and the Vatican didn't know this ?! A shouting match ensued, apparently. And, the Church has never been kind to the man concerned since.

    So, if there are serious concerns about Dennihan that should preclude him becoming a bishop, do not assume that the Nuncio and the Vatican have done due diligence and know everything about him. That means that it is perfectly proper for + Pat and others who perhaps do know some things that mean that Dennihan should not become a bishop, to let those be known in the the right quarters. And, if by 48 hours before nothing has been done to take note of those concerns, then publish them here in detail and give them to journalists. What will they do, + Pat - sue you, put you in prison ? I think there is little that they can do to you that has already not been done, and you have very little to lose. You have already been brought low and beaten up by the Church and all your dirty laundry, such as it is, has already aired in public. We know who you are, and what your weaknesses as well as your strengths are. You are in a strong and unassailable position beyond their power and influence. Lucky you ! So, be brave and let it all come out, please, because our lords and masters in the Vatican don't seem to be able to run the show properly.

  18. Michael J. O’Loughlin in the Jesuit Review “America” lists McCarrick’s many high profile appearances since his supposed sanction in 2009 or 2010 ( NB lack of precise date ) including invitation from his former Archdiocese to prospective seminarians to have a chat with him, and a nice photo taken in Rome on an “ad limine” visit ( ie still in good standing ) on January 19th, 2012 with him and Wuerl flanking a smiling Pope Benedict. In allowing the possibility that sanctions were in place but only in secret and not acted upon, the article blows the gaff on the utterly dysfunctional way the Vatican and bishops operate. Oh and by the way, in May 2012 Archbishop ViganĂ² eulogized McCarrick at an event in MacCarrick’s honor as “loved by us all”. The only thing ViganĂ² sacrifices is his own integrity- typical cleric then.

  19. The following article on the BBC website today gives a clearer understanding of the battle of the gay mafia, i.e. you have the queers on one side and the poofs on the other.

  20. In fairness Tom did his best to regin in Mullaney. Tom has all the dirt on Michael Fanny Mullaney.

    1. "... to rein in Mullaney.. "

    2. "... dirt on Fr Fanny ..."

    3. Really? In what ways did he do his best to "reign" in Mullaney?

    4. He demanded he use a condom.


    I would like you to contact me


  22. The story referred to above concerning that fearless warrior, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, against the gays has become a comedy classic: drunk, mysterious young male companion, and aged mother taking the wheel of the vehicle ... I think we get the picture! Hilarious were this man not the Archbishop of San Francisco.

    1. Another one of Mary McAleese's "fake hetero homophobes."

    2. Who cares what the Mother of Sorrows has to say.

  23. Deenihan is a bully and obnoxious bawlix. If that is the dross they think they should be promoting the Church is truly cattle trucked. He has no class

    1. Aren’t you being just a little snobbish? Just because he come from Blackpool doesn’t mean anything. They said the same about Nazareth.

  24. Devious Devilish Deenihan will be elevated. Nothing will change that. Frustrating aspect is that some here make half comments and obviously have some knowledge but have about as much moral strength as a striopachs scanties. Their silence makes them the biggest part of the problem. Deenihan has always rang alarm bells on deliberately deaf ears

    1. "... a sociopaths scanties."

    2. No actually 16.48. StrĂ­opach is an Irish word for prostitute.

  25. "... has always rung.."

  26. Is Deenihan still friends with The Senator?

  27. Grammar police - I will say rang if I want to as he is rank and a rancour.

    1. "... he is rank and rancour..."

  28. I am one of those who wrote to the Nuncio about Dr. Tom Deenihan. I wrote long before it was announced that he was to become a bishop. Here are parts of the letter I sent.
    'To add to the sense of hopelessness is the fact that it is perceived, with some validity, that the diocese is in fact being run and controlled by the Diocesan Secretary, Rev. Fr. Dr. Tom Canon Deenihan. He is a malign influence in the diocese whose influence is so strong that diocesan appointments are made at his behest and often times (the evidence would suggest) to settle scores. Many of us priests have become more and more disillusioned with him and his behaviour and attitude, to say nothing of his foul language – I am no paragon of virtue and I have made my fair share of errors and mistakes and I am not promoting myself as the ideal for priesthood, far from it, but I do know where to draw the line and I know when something is not right and not in keeping with the Word of Jesus and the spirit which Pope Francis is endeavouring to instil in the Church – -where the command to Love is taken as absolute.
    Dr. Deenihan has aspirations to become a bishop. He was a good friend of your predecessor, Dr. Charles Brown, and there is little doubt, in my mind and in the minds of many of the clergy here (Cork & Ross), that the aim of the friendship was not loyalty so much as the desire to become a bishop. However, it is his role as Diocesan secretary and the fact that he has corrupted (I assure you I do not use this word lightly) the diocese which has me most concerned. It seems that the Secretary is really only interested in acquiring titles and for him the ultimate title would be bishop. He has spent much time courting influential people, in the church, both in Ireland and in Rome, all in the hope that he will become a bishop. I honestly consider him to be a malevolent force in our diocese. You should be aware of this reality your Excellency.
    I am pleading with your Excellency to please expedite the appointment of a new bishop to the Diocese of Cork and Ross before the damage becomes irreversible.
    I have no desire to cause trouble but I must speak out when I know that so much harm and damage has been and is being done in our Diocese by men who should know better and who should serve rather than have the expectation that people will kowtow before them.

  29. Tom does not like B. Marshall as he is too ‘chubby’. He has to wear sports gear to the oratory because of it. The irony of wearing fitness gear lol

    1. OK, 12:55, since you asked so nicely, I will.

  30. Pat is James Luke McConnell Facebook page really yours?
    Seems to be just a copy of what you blog here, not good PR for you!
    Not respected by anyone, either family or neighbours. Just take a look at his likes, that says it all about him.
    Sadly rejected by family and community!

    1. James page is 100% his own. I know him for over 20 years.

  31. Facts not Gossip please.

  32. John 17.

    There was in Poland many years ago now a long running joke about Wojtyla and Mahharski ( spelling is a mistake !!!) :

    " I and the Holy Father are one."

    Well Cupich and Mc Carr. enjoyed the same..

  33. William Mulvihill,
    Have you arranged a date with the woman on yesterday's blog? Are you into women, or 'pan-sexual'. She was very eager to know you!

    1. Bill is a handsome man and regularly gets such invites from all and sundry.

    2. Has Bill slept with a woman?
      I am the lady who wrote asking to meet Bill the other day, and still maintain a wish to do so. I would love to spend the night with him too. Waiting to hear from you, Bill?

    3. Come on William,
      The lovely young woman has asked to meet (and do more) with you. At least oblige her wishes?

    4. A collar chaser.

    5. @15.56 You don't sound very lady like! There is an auld dogging site near Drogheda if you are that desperate which you are by the sounds of it.

    6. A Priest Collector

    7. Come on Bill,
      Reply to the woman at least! You have the opportunity for a pleasurable time, surely you don't wish to miss out?

    8. Orderly queue, please...

    9. We request a sufficient reply from Bill, either accepting or declining this lady's offer.

    10. 18.54 If it was a man then just maybe the offer would be snapped up!
      Watch the space.

    11. Bill has no balls my dear, that's very common knowledge! b
      By the sounds of it he'd be useless to you!

    12. I have come to deeply admire Bill, and would definitely not find him 'useless'. From the photos I find him very handsome. I desire to know him, or have the chance at least.
      I'm awaiting your reply, Bill?

    13. Where is William Mulvihil? We are all wanting to know his answer. William, at least communicate with the lady about this privately, I'm sure Bishop Pat would be willing to mediate?

    14. And if it worked I'd even do the wedding.

    15. I am the commentator from yesterday and earlier this morning, (please ignore the comment claiming to be me at 15:56, such remarks are vulgar and disrespectful). I reiterate that I am genuinely serious about my wish to know William Mulvihill. I have followed his contributions carefully, and would appreciate a meeting/chat with him. Could you help, Pat?

    16. Bill has seen your comments and can answer himself. I'm not sure he is interested. Sorry.

    17. He could at least reply to her. Where are you Bill, you seem to have gone quiet on us since these suggestions were made? We, the people, demand a response!

    18. When is MulviBill returning from France? The lady could meet him at the airport.

    19. @20:54 if it is also true that he won't be welcomed back to Monasterboice, at least he can stay with her until a suitable arrangement is made for a new Parish?

    20. Has Bill said anything to you about all this, Pat?

    21. Fr Mulvihill,
      Have you gained satisfaction from knowing there is a lady, out there, who admires and desires you?

  34. The Queen of NewHouse had something on Deenihan back in the day that had him running scared.

  35. Tomass Deenihans ordination now secured once Buckley states he does not want him ordained.

  36. Director Deenihan is a modern J Edgar Hoover with dossiers on some and alleged dossiers on others. Other comparrisons too that will not pass these suction lips.

  37. I see in the Fermanagh Herald that Darcy was overjoyed to concelebrate at the Phoneix Park (sorry if I've put you off eating your supper). He says he's glad not to be regarded as an enemy of the Vatican anymore after his invite to concelebrate. Who invited him? Most priests applied for tickets!! He said he was happy driving back, maybe more happy the Mercs big end was finally fixed at a garage in Lack. I hear his joy was short lived because problems with the big end persist and it was last seen heading to a garage near Enniskillen Airport.

    1. Mention of D'Arcy has put me right off my fish and chips. The thought of that publicity seeking idiot makes me nauseous.

    2. Fr D'Arcy is at least sincere. The media go running to him and not the other way round. He speaks for a lot of Priests and does great work. He travels miles back to Fermanagh to be with people in their need especially when their own Prirsts can't be bothered to visit them. Leave the man alone.

    3. Darcy is such an egotist. He wasn't invited by the Vatican to concelebrate. He invited himself.

    4. Darcy is a gobshite pure and simple.

  38. A few classes from mid to late Eighties Maynooth taking such a pivotal and influential role and roll with all appointments and newsworthy individuals moving their chess pieces. Why?

    1. 17.47 Your comment is enigmatic. What do you mean?

  39. My memories of Eighties Maynooth, Spiritual Direction was a non-event, Deanery was a gonnery, Tomas O'Fee held an Episcopacy from tattery and it became a Woodies of a Seminary - DIY

  40. Bishop Barron has a good article in the Tablet

  41. Will Brady show up on Sunday to rub salt on the wounds again and emphasise the point he is still a Cardinal and can turn up wherever he likes.

  42. You can be sure he will be there like foul smelling excrement.

  43. 20.43

    Read Coriolanus, you Philistine.

    1. Perhaps you should read the Magna Carta Libertatum, twit.

  44. 21.57 Cardinal Brady is well within his rights to turn up where he wants to turn up, simple as that.

    Remove those tunnel vision glasses and move on with life!

    1. Tunnel vision would apply more to interviewing abused kids and not acting, Simple As. You need to take a serious look at yourself 23,01. Facilitator

  45. So try telling that to the men who were very young boys when Brady made them swear....and kept their parents out of the room.
    23 .01. Sure you can move whereever you want to.
    You probably were not abused as a young boy....luckyyou

    1. Society is completely different from what it was way back then. The Cardinal was instructed to interview the children on behalf of the bishop, what parent in todays society would sit outside the room and let this take place, none!
      Times where different back then, the Priest was society, thankfully we've learned from the past and so has our Church!

      00.01 Smart ass you are!
      I was seriously sexually abused by a close family member for years as a child, I didn't tell my parents for years afterwards, why??? Because I was afraid they wouldn't believe me and my parents where the best you could have ask for!
      That's what I mean about society back then. We've all learned much and so has the Church!
      But what I've learned most is not to let my abuser stop me living my life, I parked it all up and moved on.
      I'm sickened to the teeth when I hear the so called 'survivors' just going on and on when compensation was paid and apologies made from all levels. I got 'Fuck all' from my abuser, but I pray for him regularly and for the many other children that are suffering right now within the very sanctuary of their own very homes, that abuse we will never eradicate sadly but I do hope and pray that with all the safe guarding measures in place within the Church the horrifying vile crimes from the past will never be repeated again.

  46. 21.57...youarea piece of shit.
