Wednesday 31 October 2018


Dear Bishop Pat Buckley,     
I am writing to you in response regarding the life of Oscott. Lets first take the comment regarding the formation staff it is clearly a fact that some of them are homosexual therefore, Father Marsden had no chance of staying at the seminary. 

Regarding the SD’s I wouldn’t able to say more than at times they have a camp behaviour, but I wouldn’t say they are interested in young men from what I have seen.
I would say to be fair to Father Marsden, he was not homophobic he was a very kind man in the seminary community who was very much a prayerful, and faithful to his priestly duties and well-liked by some students.


It is laughable to me when our rector says, “I am very proud of what we do.” Oscott puts through the worst type of people you can imagine such as people with mental health problems from claiming they can feel evil spirits in their room saying their car is possessed??? Just look at the photos you had leaked to you some years ago I think that sums the place up well thinking of that gay hat photo of the seminarians from here, one is now a senior believe it or not.

Just a few years ago a man was ordained for Xxxxxxx diocese one of worst types of people you could meet, deceptive and manipulative was much protected by the rector. He was on the grinder and sexually active with men throughout seminary life. 
It is very much well known by many seminarians and priests the Church looks the other way regarding these issues!
Concerning the bar which is known by some seminarians as ‘the gay disco,’ it is very gay from people touching each other after a few drinks. Some years ago, a Liverpool seminarian ex-army guy was sexually touched by a gay seminarian when he was playing pool, this seminarian turned around and punched the living daylights out of him. 
There is a major drinking problem which leads to all sorts of problems with people being revolting and having kisses with tongues, the story of the staff member is very true a seminarian having to lead him back to his room etc. 
Also, the account of the Xxxxxxx character in the seminary who wanted to take advantage of younger seminarians has now been ordained to the priesthood. 

So, what has Oscott got to be proud of? Canon Oakley is digging a big grave for himself I would say to him prove it to us all then go on the record with a lie tester regarding student life at Oscott.


The real reason why Father Marsden was sacked. He won’t do it because he knows he has many things to hide about the homosexual lifestyle at Oscott! 


It is good to get this insight into Oscott from a current seminarian there.

It definitely confirms what Father Marsden has said about the place.

The seminarian says that Father Marsden is not homophobic but just following church teachings and guidelines and that furthermore, he is spiritual and has been very kind to seminarians.

The seminarian does not have much confidence in the rector Canon Oakley.

Oscott is just a small part of an international problem with regard to seminaries and the homosexualization of the church.



I am not a great fan or Church Militant or of Michael Voris.

I do not like the use of words like sodomy or sodomite.

But just because you do not like the messenger or the messenger's language does NOT mean the message is not true.

This is a disturbing video about homosexuality in the seminaries, the priesthood, and episcopate.


  1. The biggest bullying issue in Maynooth during my time there was homosexuals bullying of heterosexuals. It is abundantly clear to be that there is a policy of gay-only recruitment.

    If two gay priests sleep with each other it can be passed off as a friend staying over. There is no question of pregnancy or child abuse. Gay clergy are safer for a celibate church that does not require the celibacy vow/promise to be upheld.

    And be very clear; the psychological report is merely to confirm orientation. It was the only aspect that my bishop discussed with me, and he did so with grave surprise that I'm heterosexual.

    1. If it is indeed 'abundantly clear' to you, 23:48, that 'there is a policy (no less) of gay-only recruitment', then you must have an abundance of evidence for such clarity.

      Would you share it with us, please?

    2. It is my lived experience of the co-incidences of;

      1. Those who get easy passes in Maynooth -v- those over scrutinised

      2. How psychological reports are discussed, namely nothing is discussed except sexual orientation. Peers expressed similar surprise.

      The sadest bit is the number of us who went in both naive and sincere and who ended disillusioned.

      Plus, if you speak to a girl you get reported to the dean for scrutiny. If you lock yourself in a bedroom with a fellow sem then it's applauded that good friendships are made.

      The place is a headwreck. I believe in God bit practice no religion solely because of my time in Maynooth.

    3. 'If you speak to a girl you get reported to the dean for scrutiny.' Oh, come off it, for crying out loud! If you are going to pull legs, at least make it plausible.

      What a load of wimpish tripe!

  2. Pat, that seminarian's letter is fake. The grammar, punctuation and sense of it are so strange, very broken, bitty, gossipy and and difficult to believe. It's a trash letter and this guy, if he is a real seminarian, is in serious need of English classes! Pathetic, weird and bizarre. I'm certain he gets high and big on this fantasy!!

  3. Bishop Pat, how do you know that your informant is telling the truth, not just about Oscott, but about even his being a seminarian there?

    He (or she?) writes that it is clear some of the staff at Oscott are 'homosexual'. Er, what does it matter if they are, provided they are exercising priesthood chastely and celibately?

    But, more fundamentally, how does your informant know the sexuality of these staff? Did you bother to ask? Or are you just a tad too keen to believe anything that might rehabilitate such an obvious and demonstrable homophobe as Marsden?

  4. Is this Oscott Seminarian a Russian or a Lithuanian? He certainly does not present as a native English Speaker.

  5. Are you sure this “Oscott seminarian” letter isn’t another wind up?

    Have you actually communicated with this seminarian and verified his identity, that he is actually REAL?

    Or, as often before, was it another anonymous letter? Or an email sent to you, from a fake email account, by a “composite”?

    In any case, it shouldn’t be too hard for his superiors to identify the author of this letter as he is barely literate! Thick as two short planks comes to mind.

    If the written English of this “seminarian”, is indicative of the educational standards acceptable in Oscott, then they really are in dire straits.

  6. Very interesting blog this morning, thank you Pat. I am from the UK and have a good friend currently in formation at Oscott. Though he has expressed similar concerns, he has never experienced any issues personally.

  7. Why is there such a difference between what the pointy hats preach and what they and others do. This has gone on for long enough. Come out from behind the peeping windows lads and do something practical. Sure I'm the pope meself after a few pints hi. But there is always the next day hi

  8. Pat I can't believe you posted this, barely literate. piece of rubbish.

    If this guy is representative of the quality of men in the seminary then I despair.

  9. Oh dear, do you expect us to take this contribution seriously ? I mean, if this is a seminarian, then God help the poor parishioners he will soon be preaching to. He can't write decent English. It's abominable. I think this is a make up by somebody, garnering a few tit bits and stringing them together, and not very artfully at that. Perhaps, + Pat, you should investigate the source of this.

    I don't have much direct contact with or information about Oscott, but from the little I do know it seems to me to be a place that can justifiably be proud of what it does, within the requirements of the Roman Catholic Church. I don't buy the premise that priests need to be celibate to be priests, but if that is what the RC Church wants to do, then it is their show. And, if young men offer themselves for the priesthood, then it is not an unreasonable expectation for them to keep to the rules. I think trying to do that for the majority of them will be damaging to them, and I would blame the RC Church for having damaged generations of men by this requirement. It is not a big step from damaged and dysfunctional priests to abusive priests who work out their frustrations and dysfunction on the weak and powerless.

    I'm sure there are some real Oscott people who could give us an insight in to the seminary ? Do post something for us, but do make sure that you write it in readable and understandable English, please ! It would be interesting to hear from you.

  10. The most riveting thing about this video is the dead squirrel on top of the presenters head ! The rest of it is just idiotic Church Militant make up story stuff. Daft.

    1. can I just say that I am sat in an office and this comment made me genuinely laugh out loud.

    2. What puzzles me is why Voris (an intelligent man, despite his obsessive interest in a sexuality he claims he was divinely divested of) wears such an obvious 'rug'. He must know that he's laughed at for this. And yet, he refuses to wear anything better: more natural-looking.

      Why...if he wants to be taken seriously, and not as an object of public ridicule? The only, reasonable answer I can come up with is that Voris wears his 'rug' as if it were his personal crown of thorns, tailor-made by God (or some other vengeful sadist) for Voris' wanton 'homo' past (?).

  11. If this guy is a seminarian, one serious question - how did he get through a psychological assessment? He is like a school boy threatening to tell teacher all about the bold ones after being out playing during break time! There is such a muddled thought process going on and so bad grammatically and very inarticulate. He should go to the proper authorities and make his concerns known.


    Why is the seminarian being attacked for his grammar etc?

    He gave me detailed information about individuals which I edited.

    Surely the main questions is: "Is what he is saying is true".

    It's also the main question with Voris despite his inflammatory language.

    Whistleblowers who speak out are often called nutcases.

    1. Bishop Pat, your 'informant's' standard of written English IS important evidence, not for his accusation, but against who he purports to be. It suggests someone intellectually incapable of coping with a third-level education and, therefore, not a genuine seminarian, or a seminarian pulling your leg.

    2. Dear MC,

      The problem is that, short of vocations, people are been accepted into seminaries these days who can barely read and write and not capable of getting a degree.

      In the past many seminarians did a degree in philosophy and a degree in theology.

      Not any more in many cases.

    3. 09.27: The "seminarian" (fake) is being attacked for his illiteracy and fantasy story. More pertinent, did you, Pat, seek to validate the author of this wretched letter? Have you any proof of its authenticity? Sadly Pat, you will accept anything that suits your agenda, your anti Catholic vendetta. You are losing any moral integrity you may have and your spiritual impoverishment is at the bottom of the barrel. God help us if this guy is indicative of modern seminarians in Oscott - thick as planks. Get to the TRUTH...this guy should be flung out.

    4. Pat Buckley at 09:27, have actually spoken to this seminarian? Have you verified his identity? That’s the question!!

      It’s easy to fool you, Pat and you are willing to swallow any thing, from any source, that fits your bill.

      Pretend to be a “seminarian”, or a “concerned parishioner”, or whatever - set up a fake email - and hey presto! Buckley will take the bait!

      Answer the question: do you actually KNOW for certain that this barely literate person is IN ACTUAL FACT a seminarian at Oscott?

    5. +Pat. Are your contributors being generous in overlooking your own regular spelling mistakes and grammatical errors? The second line of your comment contains an obvious one. No doubt you will blame predictive text. I just think you're 'on a high and too much on overdrive to bother properly with checking. I know the 'message' is important but just as with this 'supposed seminarian' poor use of language invites dismissive responses.

    6. 09.27: The reason we're attacking the seminarian (fake) is because of the awfulness of the letter but also it lacks any credibility. Pat, did you communicate with this guy by phone or be e-mail to validate his existence? Did you check out if he actually is a seminarian, a reject or just another bitchy anonymous engaging in gossip and hearsay about Oscott? If he is a seminarian, his literacy and grammar are appalling. He has made accusations which are serious and which he should answer for. I believe he should be flung out. If he is behaving like this and articulating his thoughts so incoherently and disjointedly, God help any parish who'd have him! As usual, Bishop Pat, you will use any rubbish to promote division, hatred of and antagonism against the Church. Pat, your moral integrity is at the bottom of the barrel, your spirituality "gone with the wind". On All Saints Feast today and All souls tomorrow, you really are shabby.

    7. My comment at 11:58 referred to the word "been" which was on second line in my smartphone screen, but as I now see on laptop, is on first line.
      Just saying, my numerical ability is questioned!

    8. 10.44: Another makey up, crackpot theory Pat! What evidence have you to support so stupid a comment? What 3rd level degrees do you have or what level of theological and philosophical academics do you have apart from the Polyanna stuff at Waterford? You're not that clever....

    9. I do have a masters degree from QUB.

      So I can't be a dunce :-)

    10. Ask any university lecturer and they will tell you about the modern students poor grasp of English and spelling as the correct essays.

    11. You're at it again Pat in your 15:19 comment!

    12. I have heard this from several university lecturers.

    13. PB at 15:31, have you now? How many? Who were they? I’d say your often talking to university lecturers right enough. Lol

  13. + Pat, get real, please. This so called seminarian has cherry picked a few names, which are probably available elsewhere, and strung them together, rather badly. You say that he has given you detailed information, but if it is the stuff you have edited with xxxx, then it is only a few names that he will have been able to get from somewhere else. This thing looks and sounds dodgy. I'm surprised you seem to have been taken in.

    I would worry more about Fr David Marsden and his agenda, which is an odd understanding of human nature and sexuality which he is trying to foist in undiluted form on young men in formation. Rightly, he has been got rid of twice. Hopefully, never to have the undue influence that he was given. If you want to ask a question about this whole matter, ask how someone like Marsden has been allowed to divulge confidential information about individuals gained in the course of his professional practice ? He's not just a twisted odd twat, he's also unprofessional and in breach of so many professional codes of practice.

    1. Nice to see the Maynooth bitches out today against marsden, how are ye girls?

    2. 15:58 - I'm no girl, and no bitch, and neither am I a masturbation and homosexuality obsessed twat like David Marsden. Get it ?! And if you have nothing else constructive to offer us, why don't you keep quiet.

    3. servingblogger at 19:04

      You're a bitch and a twat, who bores everyone too death with your rants.

    4. @19:04.


      I don't even think the transalpine queers based on Papa Stronsay in the Orkney Islands would put up with Fr Marsden, who is exceptionally prone to seeing the homo-aspect of everything, obsessed with homo-sex, and especially seeing homo-overtones to non-homosexual behavior.

    5. 19.04: You're not a Bitch, you ain't no sad.. but you are a queenie bow, even a whore.. like Magna!!

  14. This seminarian – assuming he is genuine- may well have shot himself in the foot. His poor grammar, syntax etc. will make him readily identifiable. That is if he hasn’t gone to the trouble of trying to disguise his writing style. This would go some way to explaining why his post reads so poorly.

  15. I think by now it’s pretty obvious that Pat Buckley HASN’T spoken to the alleged “seminarian” to verify his identity as ACTUALLY a seminarian at Oscott. Par for the course on this blog.

  16. The snitch could be any one of these queers, Bp Pat, there's even a dyke.

    1. I wonder how much it costs to have sets of vestments made. Those are not the concelebration vestments Birmingham used under Couve de Murville, so it looks like new ones every twenty years or so.
      There is something very wrong with the dalmatics at the bottom, I wonder who made them.

  17. Canon Oakley is doing a fine job, I would like to see Bp Pat trying to control fifty or sixty cockhounds. The strain would be too much.

  18. The letter was written by a C2 level English language speaker who has either French or Spanish as a first language. In terms of discourse analysis the signs are the predominant use of Latinate cognates (... deceptive and manipulative...) and the interference of Latinate grammar forms in the use of the indefinite and definite articles (...a camp behaviour...the grinder...).
    The use of connectives (..Therefore..) and sophisticated prefabricated lexical chunks suggest a writer who completed the IELTS for entry to a UK university and who has been working in a writing position in office-related work for over five years.

    1. The examples are in the brackets/parentheses, marked by ellipses on both sides.

  19. Your fake news story from the bogus “Oscott seminarian” hasn’t exactly ignited today has it, Pat?

    People are getting bored with your sensationalist lies.

    1. 20.31: Pat is boring anyway. He has become obsessive re: gay sex. His supposed Christian credentials are all very suspect and questionable, just like the priests he thrashes into pieces on this blog. Pat rarely tells us anything now about the Little Brothers Society or how many men/women he has ordained or how many are in his Oeatory Society. Even the name Society us grandiose.

  20. Pat Mullaney running round these corridors tonight dressed as a witch and Halloween over and all frighten the life out of ye

  21. An account of Donal O'Neill's removal from Maynooth and suspension from priesthood should be examined. There is much beneath the surface to explain his departure from maynooth 4 years early and why Ray put the squeeze on him. All is not what it seems.

  22. Astonished that +Pat, as a gay man, would post videos from vile homophobe Michael Voris, he with the admittedly hilarious raccoon wig, who claims that God 'cured him of his homosexuality'. This guy is a right-wing head case and has ZERO credibility outside of a small community of obsessive conspiracy theorists.

  23. Any update on what did Stephen Wilson dress up as. Wilson and his uniforms. lol

  24. Wilson dressed up as a Nurse. He even shaved his legs. Wilson has many unique talents, one can only imagine.

  25. Pat there needs to be transparency on the events of the Maynooth trip to Prague. Clarity of did a senior Preist in Canon law take two seminarians into Sauna Babylonia. A second report also of two seminarians having gay sex togther on the trip.

  26. My sources in Maynooth tell me Fr Mullaney is trying his best to distance himself from the Michael Byrne scandal. Mullaney was encapsulated by Byrne and his physique.
